Pliny The Elder, May 19

2 min readMay 25, 2016
|Pliny The Elder, California|

I have a special degree of respect for companies that stay true to themselves. These companies do not expand drastically in order to make a profit — they keep their business smaller in order to keep their product consistent and original. Did you hear about the bagel shop that had to close down because the business became too popular and he didn’t want to ruin the homemade feel of their product? Russian River is similar to them.

This company was owned by Korbel Champagne Cellars. When they were ready to give up the reigns, they offered the company to the head brewer — and he took it! This means that the style of the company stayed very true to its roots. The problem? It is hard to get.

Look: Solid one-inch head that is very white. The beer has no haze whatsoever, and is a light honey color.

Aroma: Light notes of citrus hit the nostrils first. It is not necessarily grapfruity like many other IPAs.

Mouthfeel: This beer is fairly heavy on hops and bitterness at the beginning of a sip but finishes very light. The bitterness has minimal lingering and just a touch of malty flavor. The higher alcohol percentage (8%) does not show through. Because of this, it is a very smooth beer.

General Impression: I enjoy Pliny, largely due to the lack of residual hops. However smooth and desirable (as a hard-to-get beer), I do not believe that this DIPA is as complex and tasty as others.

Pliny The Elder. 8%.

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