10 Small Wellness Activities that Spark Joy

4 min readFeb 14, 2021


Photo by William Farlow on Unsplash

Hello there. Here’s a little note to you before diving into today’s topic. There’s a possibility you set goals for yourself at the very beginning of the year. Maybe you had even set them at the end of last year. The point is, I just want to remind you that as much as you’ve set big goals for yourself, it’s okay to enjoy rest sometimes. These moments of rest give you the time to enjoy the little and simple pleasures of life. So as much as you’re fixated on these goals, remember to slow down to enjoy these pleasures.

As you read on, you’ll see that I’ve highlighted 10 activities. These are small and simple activities (some are even routines) that I’ve picked up over time. The reason I enjoy these, and truly wanted to share with you, is because these things spark joy. As much as this list was inspired by personal experience, I’ve had conversations with like-minds who share a deep love for some of these activities as well. I also believe someone reading this could resonate with some of the things I mention. Or maybe this will inspire someone else to add a new activity to their routine. Either way, here are 10 small wellness activities that spark joy in my life:

Creating Mood Boards

Creating mood boards is such a beautiful creative hobby/pastime activity. Personally, this is not something I do daily. However, whenever I pick up my device to dedicate some time to this, it ultimately ends up feeling like an act of self-care. If you’re looking into adding mood board creations to your activity-list, I’d definitely recommend Pinterest to source for photos. You can either choose to create mood boards in form of ‘Pins’ on Pinterest or just source photos there and create collages using other sites/applications such as Instagram layouts, Canva or Photoshop.

Drinking Tea

This is part of my daily routine. Every morning, before or after my meditation session, I make a cup of tea and just sit with myself. This is such a small act, but I’ve discovered that in those moments, a pleasant wave of peace always hugs me. Ultimately, I believe this feeling is also tied to the pleasures of establishing a routine dedicated to wellness and wellbeing (plus, drinking tea is pretty hyggeligt).


You might have guessed this, but meditation had to make the list. Through meditation practices, I’ve discovered the beauty of staying grounded and connected to something bigger. Sometimes I catch myself smiling during sessions. I’ve heard people say meditation is not for them, but I think this conclusion comes from a place of losing concentration during practices or not feeling comfortable with a particular technique. Also, there are several meditation techniques you can try out. You don’t have to limit yourself to solely breath-focused meditation for instance. Have you tried visualisations, body scans, sound bath and even mantra meditation techniques? And remember, meditation takes practice – it’s a journey. So don’t be hard on yourself.

Discovering a New Podcast or YouTube Channel

One thing I genuinely love is the feeling of discovering a new content creator that aligns with my values. Holistic wellness/wellbeing, slow and intentional living are currently the most important lifestyle practices to me so naturally, I like to read, listen to and watch content that fuels this journey. I believe it’s highly important to intentionally curate your social feeds. This ensures that whatever shows up on your feed (at least a large percentage of what shows up) has intentionally been chosen by you.

Carefree Dancing

Can we possibly talk about wellness practices or activities without mentioning some form of body movement? Carefree dancing within the comfort of my home is always a feel-good moment. I particularly love moving my body to the tunes from my ‘Morning in Paris’ playlist. It’s so refreshing! Dancing is also a way of telling your body ‘hey, I love you’.

Learning Something New

I get a sense of rush (in a good way) whenever I discover or learn something new. I believe this is good since it fuels intellectual wellness. It could range from something as simple as learning a new word or discovering an entirely new concept. Either way, lifelong learning is important to our existence as humans. I promise you; learning doesn’t have to have the boring or exhausting connotation we’ve given it. What’s something new you’ve learnt recently?

‘Future-Me’ Visualisations

Oh, the beauty of our minds! I love enjoying the present moment, but from time-to-time, there’s also a beauty in mentally visualising what the future holds. I’d say it’s a form of manifestation as much as it serves as motivation to just keep going. These moments definitely always bring a smile around.

Burning an Incense Stick

This has become a Self-Care Sunday ritual. Even before the incense stick is lit, there’s a certain beauty in watching the fire connect with the tip of the stick. Then there’s the beauty in watching the smoke become released into the air, cleansing it while filling the room with pure scents of the earth.

Doing a Skin-Care Routine

A skin-care routine doesn’t have to be complicated. The small activities certainly make a difference. It’s about caring enough to show up for yourself. My favourite skin-care act has to be applying oils around my eyes. There’s a deep sense of love and care that comes with the gentleness of applying products to nourish the skin.

Having Conversations with Lots of Laughs

All the activities previously mentioned are those enjoyed alone, personally. This particular one seals it all because life’s joys are also meant to be shared and enjoyed with others.

What are your favourite small activities that spark joy in your life?




Human + writer promoting self-care, conscious growth and living slow. Blog: myrenewalguide.com