We Need To Talk

Bee The Designer
1 min readApr 1, 2017


Sometimes, Reality Is Hard To Swallow

People. We need to talk.

We need to talk about sex.
We need to talk about gender.
We need to talk about rights.
We need to talk about religion.
We need to talk about health.
We need to talk about history.
We need to talk about each other.
And we need to talk about talking.

We need to talk sensibly and respectfully and confidently about so many things and it’s high time we quit hiding behind our comfortable conventions and manufactured, idealised notions of normality and get down to brass tacks.

And there’s no better time than the present. So… Are you ready?



Bee The Designer

Billie “Bee” Bryan. Eco-Conscious Creative Professional from The Cayman Islands, specialising in design for small businesses. Quirky. Open-Minded. Vegan.