Homemade Pickle — The Ultimate Delight

2 min readMar 29, 2023

Pickle is a popular condiment used to add flavor and tang to our meals. The combination of spicy, sour, and sweet flavors that pickles offer makes them an instant hit with everyone. While there are many varieties of pickles available in the market, nothing beats the taste of Homemade Pickle. In this blog, we’ll be discussing the two most popular homemade pickles — mango pickle and mix pickle.

Mango Pickle

Mango pickle, also known as aam ka achaar, is one of the most popular pickles in India. It’s made by marinating raw mangoes in a blend of spices and oil. The spices used in mango pickles can vary depending on the region and personal preferences. Some of the common spices used in mango pickles are mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, red chili powder, turmeric, and asafoetida.

To make mango pickles, the raw mangoes are washed and cut into small pieces. The spices are then roasted and ground to a fine powder. The mango pieces are then mixed with the spice blend and left to marinate for a few days. As the mangoes soak up the spices, they release their own juices, which create a delicious and tangy flavor.

Mango pickle is not only delicious but also has several health benefits. Raw mangoes are rich in vitamin C, which helps boost immunity and aid in digestion. The spices used in mango pickles are also known for their medicinal properties. For example, mustard seeds are good for digestion, while fenugreek seeds are known to reduce inflammation.

Mix Pickle

Mix pickle, as the name suggests, is a combination of various vegetables and fruits marinated in a blend of spices and oil. The vegetables used in mixed pickles can vary depending on personal preferences, but some of the common ones are carrots, cauliflower, green chilies, and lemons.

To make mix pickles, the vegetables are washed and cut into small pieces. The spices are then roasted and ground to a fine powder. The vegetables are then mixed with the spice blend and left to marinate for a few days. As the vegetables soak up the spices, they release their own juices, which create a unique and flavorful taste.

Mix pickle is a great way to incorporate a variety of vegetables into your diet. It’s also a good source of vitamins and minerals. For example, carrots are rich in vitamin A, which is good for eyesight, while lemons are high in vitamin C, which helps boost immunity.

In conclusion, Making homemade pickles is a great way to use up excess produce. Instead of letting your fruits and vegetables go to waste, you can turn them into a delicious and flavorful condiment that can be enjoyed for months.

Homemade pickles are a delightful addition to any meal. Whether it’s mango pickle or mix pickle, the unique blend of spices and flavors makes them an instant hit. By making homemade pickles, you can not only enjoy their delicious taste but also reap their numerous health benefits. So, go ahead and buy delicious Homemade pickles today from Beewel!




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