What to do to catch an intelligent, six pack handsome and hard-working rich guy

C. Befoune
2 min readJun 16, 2016


Photo: Sober in the Cauldron

It’s very simple!

Read, exercise, and work very very hard.

That’s absolutely all you have to do. I could have stopped there but… I still have some minutes to spare so I will explain myself.

First thing first. You want the guy to be intelligent and cultivated, you want people to be impressed with your boyfriend’s knowledge.

The thing is intelligent and cultivated guys don’t date women with an empty brain.

Never. Your brains have to match as much as your personalities. Read and feed your brain!

The same goes for the six packs. If the guy is six packed, it means he is fond of exercising and taking care of himself. Do you think he would find you sexy with greasy and messy hair, in your old fashioned cotton nightie eating biscuits and ice cream in his silk bed linens? Please!

Get up, throw away the junk food (and the old fashioned cotton nightie), wash your hair, scrub your body and start working out for you to be ultra sexy! That’s the only way for him to notice you.

After what I just said, there is no need for me to tell you girls what to do to attract a rich man. But I will, because I am pretty sure you people are thinking “be rich”. False answer. Scroll up and read the tittle again. I said HARD-WORKING rich man. Yes, that’s what I said.

If his money resulted from his hard work, he cannot love and/or respect a lazy woman who makes him feel like he is nothing but a means to secure her future.

A hard-working man feels challenged when dating a hard working woman, and challenge is one of the only things stimulating that kind of men.

So, my dear, now you know what to do to get your man. Switch off the TV (for ever if possible) and be the guy you want to date. “Don’t be a nickel out here looking for a dime” (only those who listen to Lyfe Jennings will get that one).

“When we set high standards about how the guy or the girl we’d date should be, we should be the first to meet those standards”. Marcus Ibuka Ndjoli



C. Befoune

Bleeding on paper, unleashing the human. I stopped writing here. Find me on mesdigressions.com