The Thoughts of Mona Lisa | Poem

Emily Begin
Nov 4, 2023
A picture of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci being uncovered.
Photo by Dabbas on Unsplash

My faint smile hinders your attempts,

To analyze my gaze,

Intoxicating the masses,

With my lips that bedaze,

You are transfixed by my brown eyes,

That pierce into your soul,

An illusionary artwork,

Whose gaze asserts control,

With a tender heart I give thanks,

To my Leonardo,

Whose brushstrokes breathed life into me,

With intention to sew,

For now I sit inside the Louvre,

On marvelous display,

A focal point of visitors,

Whose presence make my day.



Emily Begin

Emily Begin is a writer who specializes in writing about history, the arts, and topics that revolve around daily life.