What Is Faith?

2 min readAug 23, 2019

We walk by Faith and Not by Sight, but Faith does not produce Immediate Results, Faith presents us with Opportunities.

Faith brings us face to face with Fear, most of us fear Negative outcomes, for most of us the opinions of other’s matter more than what we think of ourselves and our abilities, for most of us our fear is that voice of Doubt saying: They Shall Never Accept You, for some of us our lack of education or finance our lack of support now become our stumbling blocks.. Faith makes us confront all these through Opportunities presented to check if we can get out of the Chains that have held us Captive.

Faith requires that we Embrace Failure, because we may have Courage and A strong Faith but Opportunity develops Skill and Failure is Life’s way of teaching us, so that we many build for ourselves a strong foundation.

Remember that Great Women and Men are not born they are Cut, Broken, Melted, Molded & Shaped created by their Circumstances. They have been tempered by the flames of Struggle.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, It’s not easy to Believe that all will be well when our opponent is a Mountain of Debt, Worry, Struggle and Rejection, yet without knowing the outcome all we have is Faith that Inner Voice that says If We keep moving forward, If we drown out the voice of those who tear us down, If we keep working towards our dream although the results to some may seem small but for us any movement Is Significant No Matter The Odds Set Against Us.

Faith calls for Change, Many people would have you Believe that Change is as easy as putting a Cigarette down and saying I Quit, well it maybe easy for some but for others Change takes time, it is a slow process to battle one’s desires, I should know, I quit drinking 10 years ago and yet today, I now fight the urge of smoking because Time and Trials weigh heavy on me and Isolation Offers No Comfort, it only Breaks ones Will but any amount of Progress is Good.

Do not aim to Win in the First round, do it slowly as boxer’s do, they chip away at their opponent over 15 Rounds rather than a K.O.. so Embrace Change and soon your Faith, Hard Work and Determination shall produce the Results you desire..

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