Started Learning Python

1 min readJun 18, 2024


A while back I was working on Flutter and through tough days, I haven’t got the feeling of accomplishing any plans i had made. Now this might be the turn I needed in my life, dedicating my time to learn something and enhancing my skills furthermore. In the conflict of interests, I had decided to start something useful in full scale so that it never stops expanding. Hence, I choose Python as my next adventure where I can move on from drawing something on screen to actually building full stack software's and automations. Listening to everything python, I have decided to go form total beginning by joining Mr. BRP (Technology Channel) Python Basis course. Let’s see in coming days my story develops more and how this narration will improve.

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Today’s Learning

  1. Steps to Install Python and VS Code
  2. Create a folder and open in VS Code
  3. Create a file in that folder with extension .py
  4. Type print(“Hello world!”)
  5. Open terminal in VS Code and type python and press enter.
  6. Observe the output in Terminal.

