Why is a woman single?

“My alone feels so good — I’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude.” — Warsan Shire

2 min readMay 23, 2019

A lot of people think single women are man haters. Or they can’t get a guy to love them.

However, I’ll let you all in on a little secret.

There’s a third reason: Because a lot of women no longer require a man’s ability to pay their bills and show them the world. Because some of these women can feed themselves, pay their mortgage, bills, travel the world and get anything else they want on their own. Because men need to bring something more to the plate like respect, loyalty and true partnership. Because men need to be able to cook, clean, care for a child’s upbringing with the day to day tasks, do the laundry, support women in their dreams. These women have not met a man who can provide what they want out of a relationship.

A lot of “modern men” want a woman who can shoulder financial responsibilities without sharing the women designated responsibilities. Our society started raising girls to be strong, independent women but forgot to raise the boys to be men to stand beside these women.

When you meet a single woman don’t assume she’s lonely. Or that she hates all men. Maybe she would rather wait forever to find the one that matches her soul than compromise on that dream. Don’t try to limit her in your tiny box of hope, faith & dreams.




Bengali - American 🔺Jack of All trades 🔻Travel•Yoga•Dive•Cook•Garden•heal generational trauma•SoloTravel A lot of unlearning and learning in my 30s