Reality Check

Being Rahmah
3 min readJun 29, 2018


This has been another eventful week. Between our President who continues to do things that make everyone suspect he has something to hide, the passing of the travel ban, continued separation of families at our border and the sad news of Justice Kennedy’s retirement, there are many things to keep us all with worry lines on our faces.

Following this his meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki was announced. So, for real I believe you Donald Trump, NOT.

Some will shout #fakenews, but fake or real it is all out there. Let’s start with @PressSec ousting at a restaurant. It is surreal that she stood at a press briefing saying that the business owner’s actions more reflected on her than anything else. I have to ask, how does it reflect on a public official to bring this incident out at a press briefing? That reflects on you, Sarah, no one else.

Actually, Sarah, your actions speak volumes about you. Not just being asked to leave a restaurant, but how you handled it. You could have just called it a day, but no you let your ego take over and began a subliminal smear campaign. Speaking about it the morning Press Conference allowing Donald Trump to also take shots and more. Poor @PressSec, Sarah Sanders. Shame on you.

I sit reading and watching the bits that bring us closer to the possible end of Roe vs Wade advancements. I worry about the women who will be affected if that happens. With the retirement of Justice Kennedy, we are one more step closer to a sad state in women’s health in the U.S.

The “no excuses” immigration policy has created nothing, except problems. I understand about safe borders, Donald Trump, do you understand about humanity? I don’t think you do or you would have never allowed this to happen in the first place. Despite signing an executive order thousands of families remain separated.

Companies who have existed in the U.S. since there inception are beginning to leave due to the tariff on metals. Harley Davidson was the first, but I can only imagine that many more will follow. Their sales will drop when they have to raise their prices to cover the additional tarriffs. They will have no choice despite threats from Donald Trump.

Finally, I am ecstatic about the recent win of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in NY and in New Mexico the Native American woman candidate, Ms. Debra Haaland who is a member of the Laguna Pueblo tribe. Despite all the bad things going on in America there are a few good things, too. Bernie Sanders is so right, we all need to remain hopeful. Good things are coming.

I am far away from my country and often after living for over 10 years abroad all of these things still bother me. From beginning to the end, I identify as American. I live a different life where I am and sometimes, when I am frustrated over the activities of the President my husband says, live your own life. It is easy to say. Like Senator Elizabeth Warren, I have Native American roots, so when Donald Trump makes these horrid remarks it stings me, too. In the time, how does any public official get away with saying the things he does? I don’t care if you are a Congressman, Postman or President, it still isn’t right.

I am living for the day Donald Trump leaves the White House and we elect a real President.



Being Rahmah

Hi I am Rahmah. I write on various subject, but mainly against the current political anti-heroes. Follow me here and on Twitter @beingrahmah.