Best Place for Mars in a Birth Chart

Bejan Daruwalla
5 min readMar 3, 2020



Mars is one of the important planet in the Solar system. In Western astrology, Mars carries a name of the Roman god of war and is often referred to as the ’Red Planet’. Mars known as Mangal in Hindi and Kujja in Sanskrit. The Mars is very important planet is Vedic Astrology due to its versatile nature.

For easy understanding, we have to catagorise Mars with many factors. Externally, the Mars signifies those people who are connected with fire, heat, machines, competitions, weapons. Physically, the Mars signifies muscles, immune system, bone marrow in our bodies. Also, it is connected with action, energy, courage, bravery, confidence, positivity, daring, etc. in a native according to Vedic Astrology. Internally, the Mars represents mental strength, assertiveness, focus, inner motivation, will power and aggression. Plus, the Mars is associated with blood, surgery, burns, hemoglobin, cuts and wounds as well in our body.

With Fire as its element, Mars is a masculine planet. By firey and natural malefic nature, the Mars is also considered as furious and a good administrator, royal but sometimes native may act rude or dominating with others. The major effects both positive or negative will depend upon its placement in native’s individual chart. So placement matters !!!

Now we come to effects of Mars by placement in a individual birth-chart. Mars will remain favourable for a native when the natal Mars is placed in 3, 4, 6, 10, 11 houses of native’s individual horoscope. Among all, 10th house is the most auspicious placement in the horoscope. The Mars get exalted in Capricorn zodiac sign and this position in 10th house makes native successful in many areas of the life. Also, if Mars is in conjunction with its natural friends like Jupiter, Moon, Sun then such combination will form strong Raj Yoga in native’s chart. Though it should not be aspected by malefic planets like Saturn. However, Mars generally gives inauspicious effects if it is placed in 1, 2, 8, 7, 12 houses. Plus, if Mars is in conjunction along with its natural enemies like Saturn, Rahu, Ketu then it will feel like curse to the individual native in various areas of the life. The native who have strong placement of the Mars will happily face challenges and will overcome difficulties with strong mind set.

Generally, Mars is also connected with marriage and further marital happiness. So Placement of Mars in 1, 4, 7, 8, 12 house in a individual chart which may cause Mangal Dosha. In such cases and due to its adverse influences people make Mangal as AMANGAL.

There are different effects of Mangal Dosha based on its placement in the chart. If the Mars is placed in 1st house then the native may arrogent, dominating in nature and he/she may hyper to break the relations. Further, if the Mars is placed in 4th house then it may cause lack of happy and enjoyable moments in the life. If the Mars is placed in 7th house then it may lead to separation, emotional distance or legal separation in the married life. If the Mars is placed in 8th house then it may hamper native’s overall family relations and if the Mars is placed in 12th house then it may create mental stress and physical distance in native’s relationship.

Now we talk here, about Mars transit through 55th Navamsa which indicates that native may face some issues with his/her spouse and near ones. It may affect his/her partner’s health as well. There are strong chances of heated arguments between native and his/her partner due to no reasons. Also, there may issues with native’s working partners at business front. Business meetings may not derive desired fruits or it may not work out according to native’s planning which may make him/her frustrate on some occasions.

On the other hand, transit of Mars through 64th Navamsa also remain challenging for the relations with family, spouse. If the natal Mars is transiting along with any other malefic planet like Saturn or Rahu or Ketu it will bring unexpected results in native’s life. It may create financial or property related issues in family. Inheritance related issues may take uncertain time to get sorted out. So this transit of Mars will test native’s patience.

Now let us discuss about the transit of Mars over the natal Rahu and Ketu.

Rahu and Ketu are shadow planet in astrology and both are malefic by their nature. Rahu signifies illusion, mischief, fear, dissatisfaction, obsession and confusion. So if the Mars is moving over the natal Rahu then some adverse influences of Rahu may boost and the native may face some unexpected experiences in his/her life, mostly unfavourable. Also, this transit is not favourable for health also.

On the same way, Ketu signifies detachments, moksha, distance in relations. So when the Mars is moving over the natal Ketu then there may physical distance and emotional detachment in the relations with native’s beloved ones. If native is connected with spiritual techniques then the Mars may not allow native to get desired success in native’s path as well.

Some practical remedies to tone down the malefic influences of MARS

1. Native should chant Puranic Mantra of Mars,

“धरणीगर्भसम्भूतं विद्युत्कान्तिसमप्रभम् ।

कुमारं शक्तिहस्तं तं मंगलं प्रणमाम्यहम् ।।” -

daily 11 times chanting of the mantra will help native to get desired success and energy in many areas of the life.

2. Native should visit the temple of Lord Ganesha and recite the following mantra 11 times every day and 21 times every Tuesday in front of the idol or picture of Lord Ganesha.

“ओम गं गणपतये नमः”

3. Native should offer red coloured flower to the Lord Ganesha, as it will help native to reduce health related issues.

4. Native should wear its precious Gemstone Red Coral after discussion with proficient astrologer.

5. Native should donate Red coloured things to needy/poor peoples on Tuesday.

6. Native should avoid to wear Red coloured dress.

These remedies will help native to negate the adverse planetary influences of the Mars.

