About Fever Dream: How is it Different From Other Dreams?

Bekir Atabey
3 min readApr 10, 2023
About Fever Dream from Smart Sleep Systems

Dreams are a natural part of human sleep, but not all dreams are created equal. Some dreams can be intense, vivid, and bizarre, leaving the dreamer feeling disoriented and confused. These types of dreams are often referred to as “fever dreams.” Today, we will explore what a fever dream is, when they occur, what happens during a fever dream, and how to prevent them.

What is a Fever Dream?

A fever dream is a type of vivid and intense dream. And it can occur when a person is experiencing a high fever. During a fever, the body’s internal temperature rises above its normal range.As a result, the brain becomes more active. This increased brain activity can lead to vivid, intense dreams that may be difficult to distinguish from reality. Fever dreams can be related to the illness or fever itself, or they may be completely unrelated. The dreamers may experience feelings of confusion, disorientation, and anxiety. In addition, dreamers may wake up feeling like they have been transported to another world or dimension.

When do they occur?

Fever dreams typically occur when a person’s body temperature rises above 100.4°F (38°C). This can be caused by a variety of factors, including infections, illnesses, and medications. Fever dreams are most commonly associated with illnesses such as the flu, pneumonia, and COVID-19.

How is Fever Dream Different From Other Dreams by Bekir

What Happens During A Fever Dream?

During a fever dream, the dreamer may experience intense and vivid hallucinations. These hallucinations may be related to the illness or fever itself. On the other hand, they may be completely unrelated. The dreamer may see images that are not real or experience sensations that are not present in reality. Besides, the dreamer may also experience feelings of confusion, disorientation, and anxiety. In some cases, the dreamer may wake up feeling like they have been transported to another world or dimension. The intensity and vividness of the dream may make it difficult for the dreamer to distinguish between the dream and reality. Once the fever breaks, the fever dreams usually stop occurring.

How to Prevent Fever Dreams?

While fever dreams cannot always be prevented. However, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the likelihood of experiencing them. One of the best ways is to keep the body’s temperature under control. Taking over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, drinking plenty of fluids, and getting enough rest are useful ways for this.

Another way to prevent fever dreams is to create a comfortable sleep environment. How do you create a comfortable sleep environment? Maybe, investing in a quality mattress and bedding is a crucial action. Smart Sleep Systems offers a variety of products designed to improve sleep quality, including pocket spring mattresses, box springs, storage bases On the other hand, using a white noise machine or earplugs to block out distracting sounds can also reduce the likeliness of fever dreams and improve sleep quality.

What is Fever Dream by Bekir ATABEY

Fever dreams are a type of vivid and intense dream that can occur when a person is experiencing a high fever. While they cannot always be prevented, steps can be taken to reduce the likelihood of experiencing them. By keeping the body’s temperature under control, creating a comfortable sleep environment, people can improve their sleep quality and reduce the chances of experiencing fever dreams.


Founder of BSS & Smart Sleep Systems

Benelux Distributor of BAMBI Bedding & VIVENSE Home



Bekir Atabey

Entrepreneur. Home and design expert with international business and trade experience. Lives in Brussel / Belgium.