Can Western hypocrisy defeat Erdogan’s honesty?

Ibrahim Karataş
4 min readMar 28, 2017


What we witness nowadays, or more precisely in recent years, in Turkey is a war of full independence aiming to defeat inner and external power groups that exploit Turkey’s spiritual and pecuniary values. Turkey, led by President Erdogan, is the direct target of this collective, malicious mind. Clandestine plans surfaced with Turkish version of color revolution, Gezi protests of June 2013. When it failed, a second attempt was launched by secretive Gulenist terror group (FETO) with a pseudo graft probe in December 17 and 25, 2013. Again it was failed and paved the way for repelled military coup attempt of July 15, 2016. The coup attempt process still continues with terror and economical attacks.

They were Western countries as agitators and their proxies ( FETO, PKK and now ISIS) as perpetrators who put Turkey into this long lasting turmoil. This is not just a claim but a truth with evidences. As Turks, what hurts us is especially the hypocrisy that still continues and unfortunately it causes hatred , rage and distrust to the West.

It is clear that Western block hate Mr. Erdogan and want to topple him down with any ways including assassination. Whereas, President Erdogan has 55% of popular vote and 15% approval of those not voting for him. In other words, 70% of Turkish community are happy with Mr. Erdogan’s leadership. If this is the case, then comes questions; If his own people love Mr. Erdogan, then, does it matter whether other countries/people hate him? For whose interests should Mr. Erdogan work? For his own country for the West? Weren’t they spreading democracy all over the World? If so, why don’t they respect will of Turkish people and their democratically elected President?

In addition, hypocrisy is more blazing as for figthing with terrorism. Isn’t it interesting and disgusting that US government helps all terrorist groups that fight against Turkey? Although the US knows the PYD is Syrian branch of the PKK, it still arms them on the basis of the argument that its armed forces, YPG, fights well with ISIS. Whereas, FSA, which is not in US’ terror list, defeated ISIS with air support as well. However, US army back and arm PKK/YPG and their weapons given by US army were found next to dead PKK terrorists in Turkey.

Regarding to FETO, its leader Fetullah Gulen who is supposed to be resurrected Jesus by his followers, lives in Pennsylvania and he has not been detained as per extradition agreement between two countries after July 15 coup attempt. What is more, Fetullah Gulen still orders his gangs to attack Turkey. If he had been detained, perhaps, Russian ambassador would not be killed. Doesn’t this mean that USA is indirectly the assassin of Russian ambassador? While the most wanted man of Turkey lives in the USA, can Turkish people still trust Americans?

Moreover, instead of sending condolences for people killed by putschists of July 15 coup attempt, shockingly, they reacted detainment of coup attemptors. When I saw this attitude I recalled Shakespeare’s Hamlet where he says ““He’s loved of the distracted multitude, who like not in their judgment, but their eyes;And where tis so, the offender’s scourge is weigh’d,but never the offence.” Here assume He as FETO and Multitude as Western Countries.

And ISIS… We had read many news in American press about how Turkey helped (!) ISIS. These slanders are no longer valid as CIA apoligized to Turkey. However, when Turkish army started to fight ISIS face to face in Syria, it has been revealed that the terrorist group is using American made weapons. Suspicions have turned into disappointment and any collaboration with the US, Incirlik base and strategical partnership are all questioned now.

Finally, despite that Turkey’s economy is performing very well, credit rating agencies downgraded Turkey’s rating. In addition, sharp fluctiations in USD parity caused devaluation of Turkish Lira (TRY). When the weather is sunny, none expects raining. Turkish economy’s situation is like the rain in sunny weather. This abnormal status, unfortunately, shrinks economy instead of growth. A simple calculation can prove that. In May 2013, a few days before Gezi protests, USD/ TRY parity was 1,92. Now, it is 3,58. If political turmoil commenced by the West and their local supporters had never happened, Turkey’s GDP would be 1,3 trillion USD. However, it will drop off to 710 billion USD in 2016, less than 2015 amount, 823 billion USD.

It is clear that Turkey’s alliance with the West brings only loss in any terms. The question is how long more will Turkey bear it. If someone thinks Mr. Erdogan and Turkey will give up in the end, he’d better do another job other than political expertism. Turkish people and Mr. Erdogan love each other reciprocally. As long as Mr. Erdogan stands against unjust atroticies, people will stand behind him. Because people and Mr. Erdogan are like mirrors to each other. That is why they flooded into streets when he was tried to be overthrown in July 15.

If the West don’t want to loose Turkey, the solution is not to see Mr. Erdogan as a foe and act hypocritically. Attacking him with unfair titles like dictator doesn’t make him tyran and the West saviors of humanity. When humans and humanity were being killed in Syria, he saved 3 million people. How many people did those assailing Erdogan saved or accepted as refugee? Hypocricy will never defeat honesty. If you close your eyes in the day, you turn the day into night only for yourself.



Ibrahim Karataş