Does Society Want AI?

Kyle Bekken
3 min readMar 30, 2023


The most significant trend with AI technologies is improving everyday tasks’ convenience. In the article titled What Is Artificial Intelligence by Alyssa Schroer, some examples of AI listed were Siri, Alexa, and other intelligent assistants, Email spam filters, Netflix’s recommendations, and navigation apps (google maps, apple maps). Notice that these AI’s actions are pretty low-level and use weak AI. This is because AI is a relatively new technology, and we are still working on developing it. We could perform these tasks without AI by searching through our emails, using paper maps, and not having smart assistants for our phones and houses. One of the biggest revolutions with AI is ChatGPT, raising many new concerns we have yet to consider.

One impact of AI on society was already stated above, convenience. As humans, we can perform any task a current “Weak AI” can, but we can utilize them to save us time throughout our day. With easy access to such strong AI, many schools wonder how to combat students abusing this technology for their gain. Some may argue that AI is getting too convenient and should be restricted. We can see this ideal more ever since the start of ChatGPT. Finally, another way AI is affecting our life (not society, but I want to talk about it regardless) is its impact on strategy. The article above talks about the invention of AI specializing in strategy games (chess and GO). If AI can beat humans at such a complex game as GO, we will find a way to utilize this for military strategy. PS there is an excellent documentary on AlphaGo on youtube; I highly recommend it!

AI can be used for social good by creating self-driving cars. Like most things, travel is expensive if you use ride services like Uber because you have to pay for someone’s time. A bus is cheaper, but you are still paying for someone’s time. With self-driving cars, we can mitigate the cost of paying for someone’s time and make daily travel more obtainable for more people.

Picture from the film “Ex Machina”


Priya Patel I completely agree that AI is very beneficial for helping people get more work done quickly resulting in less stress. This does not come with repercussion however as this can affect education as well, hurting our learning process in the long run. We can see this with ChatGPT right now and many school are wondering how to combat this issue.

Chase Fingerson I think you brought up a great point of how AI is slowly being intergraded into the medical system. The reliability of AI will be need to very high before we enroll this to far as it could have dramatic outcomes. With such an ambitious problem as this is, it will only push us to develop more reliable and well polished AI in the future.

