Week 8| Encora Apprentice

Eduardo Martínez
2 min readJan 17, 2023

Apprentice 2022D

We start a new week but we keep with the same assignments.

About the Lightning Talks

This week we got to present our first Lightning Talk. It was a really fun and interesting presentation, because not only we needed to focus on our topic, but also we needed to fit in a time limit, which for this first talk it was only 10 minutes. The topic I chose was “Shell Script” in which I’m not really an expert, but I worked with it when I studied things from Linux.

About Shell Script

A shell script is a series of commands written in a file. These are read and executed by the shell program. The program executes line by line.

Before I talked about it, I explained about what the shell is and what the commands are. Basically, the Shell is the program that provide the command line interface (CLI) in Linux. Talking about the commands, these are programs or utilities that runs on the CLI.

I think it is a really interesting and important topic to know about, because it can helps us to automate some tasks that needs certain commands to run on the CLI, helping us to save time to focus on other activities.

For the next week’s Lightning Talk I decided to explain the topic of Data Science, so let’s see how it goes.

About Hyperskill

I started to work on the “Music Advisor” project of Hyperskill, from the Java Backend Developer path.

It started with basic concepts about data types, syntax, and some other stuff that is basic when you wanna learn about programming.

Then we started to learn more about OOP, in my case it was really helpful because there were some concepts about it that I didn’t understand really well, but now, with the practice it brings and the well explained topics it shows, I think I understand it better, so I can apply them in a project.

Also we started to review about what is an API and in this case, to use a music platform API to get playlist names and other information, I’m really excited to work more with it because it is a topic in which I’m really interested.

My plan is to finish with this project on the next week, so I can start with the second one, hopping to have no blockers this week.

What I’ve learned this week

I relearned some topics about Java development, but also I finally understood more about some topics I didn’t get really clear, for example the Inheritance and everything that goes with it. Also, I remembered some things about Software Architecture and the use of class diagrams to help us get a better insight of what the system is in general.

From the Lightning Talk I learned more about the Shell and the use of scripts to automate some tasks, also, the presentation helped me to starting to search for ways in which I can explain some topic in a short period of time.

