Transition from FloatingActionButton to bottom toolbar
The latest requirement from my designer was to implement a bottom toolbar on Android, one that would transition into a FAB when the user scrolls. He specifically pointed out to the example in the Material Design guidelines. As far as I understand, this pattern can be useful to complement the action related to the FAB or when there are several actions related or useful to the current screen.
After a brief google search and not finding any code ready to copy-paste 😲Maybe I didn’t look hard enough, but I decided to give it a go. The closest sample out there to what I wanted (that I found) was written by Saúl Molinero ( and my end result was based on that. The bottom toolbar I implemented using a BottomNavigationView (
So, looking at the material guidelines, this animation seems to consist of:
- Animate the FAB in a curved path until approx. 66% of the BottomNavigation width
- Once the FAB approaches, show the bottom navigation using a circular reveal
The curved path animation was based on an old blog by Chet Haase on the topic ( To pick up the bezier curve the FAB should do, we have to pick the coordinates of start/end points and control points. I got to my final values after playing around using this tool
The circular reveal has plenty of examples on the internet, so I’ll not cover that (
To make all this code easier to manage, I wrapped everything in a simple class, FabToBottomNavigationAnim, that receives the FAB and BottomNavigation and contains only two public methods to show/hide the bottom navigation.
Here’s the final result:
Let me know your thoughts in the comments =) or hit me up on Twitter