People from Poland (Warsaw)March Against Ukraine help .

World Affairs Daily 🪐
3 min readMay 2, 2024
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Many Poles protested in the streets in May 1st, chanting "Not our War" and holding banners with the slogan "Tomorrow our children, today our tank." It's interesting to observe that many banners appear to be against the US's alliance with Poland.such is several banners with the message "stop Americanization of Poland."

Protesters claim that Poland should avoid going to war and that the Polish government’s position on Ukraine is dragging Poland into the current conflict.

This March was organised by eminent Polish political scientist Leszek Sykulski. He claims that Poles do not accept unconditional and pointless support for Ukraine. Poland and Ukraine’s relations appear to be entirely one-sided. The government of Poland intends to provide Ukraine with additional military and economic aid.This government action puts extreme pressure on the everyday lives of Poland’s common citizens.Protesters claim that goods sent to Ukraine, such as food and farm products, are driving up prices for everyday necessities in Poland.

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👉👉👉👉Poland’s list of aid to Ukraine

1)— in May 2022, Poland will send 14 MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine; in July 2023, Poland will send an additional 12 Mi-24 assault helicopters.

2)—— Poland sent the largest tank unit—nearly 330 tanks—to Ukraine.

3) Moreover, Poland sent three advance transport trucks and total 260 portable air defence system .

4)—352 combat vehicles for infantry and 95 self-propelled artillery.

5)— more than 20 separate missile launchers.

— — — -The national bank of Poland offers Ukraine over 875 million dollars above all. This sum of money is enormous. Opposition political parties in Poland disagree with the current government’s foreign policy because they believe that this kind of biassed aid will seriously damage Poland’s economy.

____Poland’s relationship with Ukraine has not always been pleasant. Because of Russia’s conciliatory actions during the war in Ukraine, the Polish government wants to offer additional aid to that country. Poland supports ukrain seems more like idealism than on practical political considerations. Donations of national resources and political motivated Aid feel like a waste of money. The illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine appears to be the result of the Ukrainian leadership’s inability to manage diplomatic channels.

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Ukraine has lost around 25% of its land, therefore this is a dire scenario. Elections are held in the Donbas region even by Russia.Ukraine’s position on the international scene is severely weakened by these political developments.

