Belikov Alexandrr
1 min readJun 19, 2023

-- provides a platform specifically designed for writing smart contracts in Gnolang (Gno). By utilizing an interpreted version of the widely-used general-purpose programming language Golang (Go), developers gain the ability to create smart contracts and various blockchain applications without the need to acquire proficiency in a language exclusive to a particular ecosystem. This empowers web2 developers to seamlessly contribute to web3, facilitating the construction of a more transparent and accountable world.

The platform is fueled by the Gno transaction token, GNOT, and contributor memberships, which form the driving force behind its operations. Operating on a modified version of the Proof of Stake consensus mechanism, the platform implements a unique variation that rewards contributors from both technical and non-technical backgrounds with GNOT tokens. This system ensures fairness by providing lifelong rewards through Proof of Contribution. Additionally, this consensus mechanism achieves enhanced security with fewer validators, optimizing resource utilization and promoting a greener, more sustainable, and long-lasting blockchain ecosystem.

The adoption of Gnolang in any blockchain platform brings forth distinct advantages such as succinctness, composability, expressivity, and completeness that cannot be found in other smart contract platforms. By adhering to a minimalistic structure, Gnolang’s design exhibits enduring qualities, enabling it to withstand the test of time and challenge the prevailing regime of information censorship. This unique approach holds the potential to create a more open and free-flowing information landscape, thus transforming the way we interact with and access information in our present-day society.

