Why I Think My Cat is Really an Alien in Cat Form

The Incandescent Writer
Tales of Tails
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2023

My cat is a little odd, just a little different from other cats.

  1. He doesn’t perch on high places and typically sleeps under the bed or on a cat bed on the ground.
  2. He doesn’t like wet food. What kind of cat doesn’t like wet food?!?
  3. He doesn’t like catnip. I thought all cats love catnip. Not him. I tried putting some on the nice flower cat tree I bought him for $55, but nope. Now it’s my cat tree because he just won’t use it. As I write this, the little platforms are being used to hold snacks — beef jerky and dried apple rings anyone?
  4. He isn’t timid or flighty. At all. I’d think most animals would be intimidated by sudden movements, but not my Xiaoyun. I used to try and startle him by hitting the floor next to him but he doesn’t even flinch. He also doesn’t react when other cats hiss or even swipe at him. Very odd. He definitely isn’t easy to threaten, ha ha.
  5. He lets me scratch his belly. Ok, this one was the clincher. NO cat lets you touch his or her belly without biting or scratching your hand to ribbons. (He also has a weirdly discolored belly. My “itty bitty brown belly baby boi” is what I call him.)

All in all, my weird alien-cat suits me.

A strange cat for an unusual girl.

Not such a bad match.



The Incandescent Writer
Tales of Tails

Isabella the Wordweaver—or writer, editor and book coach in your tongue! I blog about creative writing, faith and more. bellajwu.wixsite.com/incandescent