Top 10 Driving Tips for New Drivers from Our Instructors’ Perspective

Bella Franklin
4 min readJul 5, 2023


As a new driver, it’s important that you establish safe and responsible driving habits from the start. Whether you’re a first-time driver or looking for a refresher, we all require basic skills and knowledge to manage roads successfully. It will help you find your footing and build healthy driving habits. In this article, we will provide some of the essential tips provided by an experienced instructor for new drivers.

10 Essential Driving Tips for New Driver

1. Adhere to traffic laws

Learn about the traffic regulations and limitations in the area you live in. Understanding speed limits, traffic signs, and signals is part of this. Following these rules ensures a smooth and safe flow of traffic, lowering the chance of accidents and collisions with other cars. By understanding and following the rules, you help to create a more ordered and consistent driving environment.

2. Practice Defensive Driving

Defensive driving involves continually observing your surroundings and predicting the behavior of other drivers. Maintain a safe distance from cars in front of you, giving yourself enough time to react and brake if required. Check your mirrors frequently for blind spots and be ready for any unexpected events.

3. Utilize Turn Signals

To communicate effectively with other drivers, you must indicate what you want through turn signals. To allow others to prepare for your moves, signal well in advance of making a turn or changing lanes. Clear and timely signaling helps safer lane changes, turns, and merges, reducing the likelihood of confusion or crashes.

4. Avoid Distractions

Maintaining focus on the road is critical for safe driving. Distractions like using your phone, eating, or engaging in other activities take your focus away from the task at hand. Even a little lack of attention might have terrible consequences. To guarantee that your whole concentration is focused on steering the car safely, be focused, keep your eyes on the road, and avoid multitasking while driving.

5. Maintain a Safe Following Distance

Always maintain a safe distance between your car and the one in front of you. This space acts as a buffer zone, giving you plenty of time to react to unexpected pauses or emergencies. Maintaining a reasonable following distance also reduces the possibility of a rear-end accident. Maintain a four-second space between your car and the one ahead of you as a rule of thumb.

6. Use Proper Hand Positioning

Correct steering wheel position with the hands improves control and maneuverability. Position your hands at 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock, or 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock. This grip allows smoother steering movements and quicker reflexes when necessary. Avoid grabbing the steering wheel too tightly since this may affect your ability to drive smoothly.

7. Check Blind Spots

While mirrors are necessary for monitoring traffic around you, they may not offer an accurate picture. Before changing lanes or turning, always check your blind spots by looking over your shoulder. Blind spots are areas where other cars hide from vision, and focusing solely on mirrors can result in missing nearby vehicles. Checking your blind spots ensures that you are fully aware of your surroundings.

8. Practice Parallel Parking

Parallel parking is an essential ability for going through overcrowded urban environments. Find a quiet street or an empty parking lot to practice parallel parking until you feel comfortable. Pay attention to location, distance, and time to perform smooth and accurate parking movements. Parallel parking will become second nature if you practice on a regular basis.

Mastering Parallel Parking: Step-By-Step Guide


9. Stay Calm and Patient

Impatience and road rage have no place on the road. These feelings might confuse judgment and lead to aggressive driving. Even in difficult times, maintain a calm and patient demeanor. Be patient with other drivers’ mistakes, be polite, and avoid conflicts. By being cool, you contribute to a safer and more peaceful driving environment for everybody.

10. Take Regular Breaks on Long Drives

It is critical to focus on your well-being and overcome Fatigue while starting on long-distance travel. Take pauses every few hours to stretch, rest, and recharge Fatigue can impact your response time, decision-making abilities, and overall driving performance. You may avoid Fatigue and stay attentive and focused during your travel by taking frequent pauses.


No one learns to drive overnight, and driving is a skill that improves with practice, so be patient and persistent. These tips can help new drivers who are feeling nervous or anxious or learning to drive for the first time. Our expert instructor also suggests that every new driver should learn to drive in various conditions, such as rain or snow, for more practice. If these tips helped you with your driving, visit Click2Drive for more information. Enroll and start your journey to become a confident driver with Click2Drive Driving School today.

