HOW CAN I IMPROVE MY MEMORY ? We usually look for improving memory power whether it’s a kid or an adult . Also we all have tried multiple therapies and medications for improving memory power. Most of the times we lacked to focus on our traditional way of improving memory which is activating the learning a language . Its proved that languages have the ability to improve the memory power and other personal growth aspects as persona representation,proudly following your own culture and understanding other cultures and respecting people,adaptive capacity,creativity,thought process,behaviour,patience,understanding to make a road map and more….
As we are not aware of importance of learning a foreign language and what other benefits we can achieve to be successful . We have already missed many of the valuable opportunities in our life .Which is why we should have awareness about IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE .
Learning a language has always been a process where since our childhood we have been learning and adapting various languages for example, our mother tongue , national language ,local languages , with flow and ease . like wise we have foreign languages boosting our capabilities whether it be FRENCH SPANISH GERMAN ITALIAN PORTUGUESE MANDARIN ENGLISH JAPANESE LATIN ……
One by one if you see yourself and look to your childhood you will understand your memory boosting power started with language even if It was by saying just a word MOM or PAPA or other things . Environment also played the supportive and complementory role for remembering things and picking up small words to basic phrases and helped to initiate the communication .
COMMUNICATION’S BASE ? What is it ? Have you ever focused on that ? You run behind improving communication by just hearing communication skills but we neglect the base of it from where communication begins is a language which includes phrases,words,letters,tone,gestures,…
Studies have concluded that learning any foreign language at any age helps to keep you creative,adaptive,fast thinker, carrying smooth thought process,positive attitude. Its not necessary to learn a language only childhood and then only one can speak . You must have observed around you a person at age of 40 speaking a new language ,at a age of 15 years old speaking a new language , at age of 5 a child learning and speaking a language. There’s no AGE LIMIT to learn anything in life . The more you study anything its always gonna be endless . LEARNING ALWAYS IMPROVES OUR MIND CAPABILITIES . It aides one to insert new things , new thoughts , new approach to life .
Everyone should experience this journey of learning a language and understand the process of mind growth .

2 min readJun 18, 2022


