Things to learn from this book “Read People Like A Book”

The Books
2 min readAug 8, 2023


The book Read People Like a Book by Patrick King teaches readers how to understand human behavior and psychology in order to better read people. Here are some of the things you can learn from this book:

  • How to read body language: The book covers a wide range of body language cues, from facial expressions to posture to eye contact. You will learn how to interpret these cues to understand someone's emotions, thoughts, and intentions.
  • How to detect lies: The book provides a step-by-step guide on how to spot the signs of deception. You will learn how to pay attention to someone's body language, verbal cues, and tone of voice to tell if they are lying.
  • How to build rapport: The book teaches you how to use your understanding of human behavior to build rapport with others. You will learn how to make eye contact, use positive body language, and mirror someone's tone of voice to create a connection.
  • How to influence others: The book shows you how to use your understanding of human psychology to persuade others to see things your way. You will learn how to use your body language, tone of voice, and choice of words to create a persuasive argument.
  • How to improve your emotional intelligence: The book helps you to understand your own emotions and the emotions of others. This can help you to better connect with people and build stronger relationships.

Overall, Read People Like a Book is a comprehensive guide to understanding human behavior and psychology. If you are interested in learning how to read people better, this book is a great place to start.

Here are some additional thoughts on the book:

  • The book is well-written and easy to understand. King does a good job of explaining complex concepts in a way that is accessible to the average reader.
  • The book is full of practical advice. King provides concrete steps that you can take to improve your ability to read people.
  • The book is based on scientific research. King cites studies from psychology and sociology to support his claims.
  • The book is not perfect. Some of the information is outdated, and some of the advice is not always applicable to real-world situations.

Overall, I think Read People Like a Book is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn how to read people better. It is a well-written, informative book that is based on scientific research. However, it is important to remember that the book is not perfect, and some of the advice may not be applicable to all situations.

