The Complete Beginners Guide to Wheelhouse Spin Classes.

Stephanie Bellefeuille
4 min readMar 6, 2018


Wheelhouse is a dance spin studio located in Centretown and Westboro. This is not your typical spin class. Each class consists of 11 tracks, which usually consist of rap and pop, and lasts for 50 minutes. Every track has a different beat and you ride to the beat of the music. The faster the beat the quicker you pedal, the slower the beat, the higher the tension. Add in choreography which involves triceps dips and push-ups on the handle bars, plus a “weight track” which includes high repetition upper body weight training, and you’ve got yourself a full body workout. The instructor starts the class with high intensity and does not stop until the end. If you are looking for a great cardio and overall body workout in Ottawa you should give this spin class a go!

My First class

Now to walk you through my first experience, I went to a Saturday morning 10 am class with Heather who is one of the co-founders. She is the perfect mix of personal trainer and motivational speaker. Unfortunately, I worked until 2 am the night before and came to this class exhausted. I do recommend going to spin classes when you are feeling energetic because they are not easy. The class was packed, not one empty bike, which is apparently the norm. I had a bike in the first row since I went with friends who go to these classes religiously. I would advise you to grab a bike in the 2nd or 3rd row, this way you can follow the movements of the people in front of you. It is also important to get there 15 minutes early to reserve your bike, get a pair of shoes, a towel and to adjust your bike. They are very welcoming to new riders and you will normally be acknowledged by the instructor to make sure you are set up properly.

Wheelhouse Studio Westboro

Now for the hard part: the workout

The lights go very low and the music starts. The instructor starts to pump up the class and calling out moves. As a first timer it was really hard to follow all the movements and understand the instructor. They use certain terms which only recurring spinners understand. Keep an eye on the instructor on stage as they will demonstrate, and the front row since normally it consists of Wheelhouse regulars. Keeping up with the tempo and actions can be hard and a little intimidating, but give it about 8–10 spin classes and you’ll get the hang of it (according to my friends). Not only do you need to constantly be peddling to the beat, standing up and seated, you also get a killer arm workout during the weight track. They provide you with two dumbbells, they range from 1–5 pounds, which sounds like nothing but trust me, your arms and shoulders will burn. Grab the 2 lbs the first time and see how you feel from there.

As a newbie I also had an issue with my feet cramping up since I am not use to cycling and I usually workout barefoot. I mentioned this to the instructor and she said it was important to remember to wiggle your toes every now and then. The tension on the bike can also be a little tricky. The instructor tells you when to put it up or lower it based on the beat of the music, but it is also important to listen to your body and find your sweet spot or your “wheelhouse”.

Round two

My second spin class was definitely a little easier to get into the groove of things. My instructor this time was Erin V. I thought Heather was intense, Erin is on a different level! I will say that her choreography is easier to follow than Heather's but all of her songs are very quick and keeping up with that beat is killer. Keep in mind that every instructor is different, maybe try a few spin classes until you find the perfect fit for you. Even though this class was easier to follow I was still getting lost at times, having to mimic the movements of the lady in front of me. Still having difficulty finding my sweet spot with the tension on the bike but my friend reassured me that it took her a few classes to find her range.

Just do it

Overall I would definitely recommend this workout if you want a good sweat. I would suggest maybe trying it for the first time with some friends if you are a little timid. These spin classes not only target your cardio and legs but also your core and upper body. You are most likely going to struggle during this workout, take breaks when you need but don’t give up! Give these classes a few tries to really get into the groove of it. Also, ladies, do yourselves a favor and wear a good sports bra! Pants are also recommended or longer shorts. The drop in price is $22 plus an additional $2 for shoe rental, class bundles and monthly rates are available, for more information check out Wheelhouse.

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