How Much Helpful Is Skin Brightening Serum For Flawless Beauty And Skin: A Detailed Guide

5 min readAug 7, 2022

Skin brightening serum, also known as lightening serum, is frequently misunderstood as skin whitening products simply due to the wording in their names. Let’s go over what a brightening serum is and what you can expect from the best brightening serums today.

How Do Brightening Serums Work?

A brightening serum is exactly that: a serum that is used to either brighten your skin in general by reducing the appearance of dullness, or to target specific dark spots. Brightening serums are, at their core, a type of “skin brightener,” which is a catch-all term for all types of skin lightening (not whitening) products. Skin whitening serum for face, including face brightening serum, is a product that aims to help with various forms of uneven skin tone by lightning to some extent.

For example, hydroquinone is a well-known skin brightening agent, but due to recent health concerns, most brightening serum manufacturers avoid using it in their formulas. Instead, more natural ingredients such as arbutin/alpha arbutin (hydroquinone’s naturally derived cousin), potent antioxidants such as ferulic acid, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), and vitamin B3, and acids such as kojic acid, hyaluronic acid, lactic acid, and glycolic acid have been used to produce more naturally-derived skin brightening effects with excellent results. Many brightening serums also include moisturising and hydrating ingredients like glycerin to help improve overall skin health and add to the long list of advantages that the best brightening serums have to offer. Brightening serums are “thin” skin brighteners that are great for oily skin. They are typically quite easy to rub into the skin and absorb quickly. You may experience additional benefits depending on the specific brightening serum, which we’ll discuss below.

Brightening Serum Advantages

To begin with, a brightening serum can, of course, brighten your skin. The manner in which it accomplishes this will differ from product to product. Some brightening serums, for example, can make your skin a little more vibrant by directly inhibiting melanin production or by targeting inflamed spots, whereas others may increase cell turnover rate — that is, they make your skin replace dead skin cells with new, younger, and more radiant skin cells more frequently. This also results in overall younger-looking skin. As a result, even younger people who don’t already have visible signs of aging such as fine lines or dark spots may want to use a brightening serum for anti-aging support. One of the most important reasons to use a brightening serum is to reduce the appearance of age spots. Some topical serums can be applied directly to the skin to treat dark spots, acne scars, sun damage, blemishes, or other localised discolorations. The ingredients can then address the issues that are causing the discoloured skin and restore it to its natural skin colour.

All of this begs the question: does brightening serum actually lighten your skin tone?

Not in the way you might think.

A brightening serum would have to contain a lot more bleach-like ingredients for that to work. More importantly, such products are usually bad for the skin and have a slew of negative side effects. The above-mentioned brightening refers to general radiance or youthful colour. Organic skin lightening products, regardless of skin tone, can make your skin look younger, healthier, and more vibrant. Consider the resulting brightening to be more akin to a newfound glow. The best part about using a brightening serum is that it improves your complexion. Another reason to consider a brightening serum is that many products can improve your skin’s elasticity. Because many brightening serums contain retinol or collagen, both of which can help your skin retain its youthful shape and appearance for a longer period of time. Brightening serums may be effective in evening out skin tones for others. Many people have different colour splotches across their faces; these are mild discoloration zones where your skin tone may appear slightly different from place to place. Using a topical brightening serum could help you even out your skin tone and achieve a more uniform tone overall.

Ingredients To Look For

You should always prioritise brightening serums that use natural ingredients over harsh chemicals, as you should with virtually all skincare products. These are superior in terms of overall skin health and the long-term benefits they can provide.

Belle Nubian’s skin brightening serum is an excellent example of an ideal brightening serum. For maximum nourishment, this product contains only natural ingredients. The resulting serum can improve uneven skin tone and improve your overall complexion.

Avoiding Potential Ingredients

As previously stated, you should always try to avoid brightening serums that contain hydroquinone. This is a dedicated bleaching agent that can have serious negative side effects, especially on people with darker skin tones. Check the ingredients for parabens as well, as they are sometimes used to help preserve natural ingredients but have unpleasant side effects.

Brightening Serum Application

The good news is that brightening serum is simple to incorporate into an already established facial skincare routine.

  • Begin with toner and continue with the rest of your skincare routine.
  • Apply some of your brightening serum to your face after applying toner. You only need one or two drops for your entire face, or you can apply a drop to any specific spots of discoloration.
  • Using your fingertips, massage the serum into your skin.
  • Then, apply a moisturiser to seal in the moisture and hydrate your face.

Brightening serums can be used at the start or end of the day. Nighttime users may want to pair their brightening serum with retinol night cream, which can enhance the effects of the brightening serum while also soothing and moisturizing the skin and containing several antioxidants that fight free radicals and may reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation or redness.


Overall, if used correctly, brightening serums can be effective, and if natural-based products are used, even those with sensitive skin can benefit (however, if you have any concerns about incorporating this into your routine, consult with your dermatologist!). Skin brightening serum is especially effective at reducing the appearance of age spots, promoting skin health, and creating the appearance of a more even skin tone. Consider these serums if your skin is naturally splotchy or if you want to improve the efficacy of your exfoliation efforts.

Belle Nubian is dedicated to providing high-quality products that are free of hydroquinone and chemicals. We believe in high-quality, long-lasting results that will enhance your beautiful skin while also improving your health.

