Twitter has Revolutionized Customer Service

Morgan Beller
2 min readApr 12, 2015


Comcast customer service sucks. Case and point. So, dare I be a contrarian when I say that Comcast’s Twitter customer service rocks.

@ComcastCares cares. They reply quickly, they check in, they have great attitudes, and, best part: you don’t need to press 0 to “SPEAK TO AN AGENT.”

After I first had my truly wonderful customer service experience with Comcast, I expected to see pigs flying out my window. When the skies were (as always) sunny and blue, I stopped to reflect on other A+ customer service experiences. The lowest common denominator: Twitter.

I have tweeted at airlines, banks, service providers, you name it. Call me a tech-savvy Jewish grandma, but it works. Tweeting has become my new first-customer-service-shot-at-bat.

My game film is only so long, but I have yet to be unsuccessful with resolving customer service issues on Twitter (I know it’s only a matter of time). My hypothesis is that text-based customer service will trump phone-based customer service. That the line between social media manager and customer service rep will become blurred. Just picture the world in 20 years: do you see people dialing a number and waiting on hold for 2–200 minutes to speak to a representative? No.

Perhaps it will be SMS based, or perhaps there will be a third party provider. But my bet is that Twitter will play a significant role in the Customer Service 2.0 Platform.

@ComcastCares showing they care

Originally published at on April 12, 2015.



Morgan Beller

Blockchain @Facebook. Alum and fangirl of @Medium, @a16z, @Cornell, @eBay, @CornellTech, @Poprightin, @HighLineVP