CBD Oil — Facts and Benefits

What is CBD Oil?

Steven Sims
3 min readMay 14, 2018

CBD Oil is made from either hemp or cannabis plants. The active ingredient, cannabidiol, is extracted through a series of methods of extraction and filtration, and is separated from the rest of the compounds found in these plants.

When CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant, it is separated from the THC compound in order to remove any psychoactive properties that might end up in the final CBD oil product.

Cannabidiol, or, in short, CBD, is a complex endocannabinoid compound found in hemp and cannabis. It is different to tetrahidracannabinol, THC in short, because it does not possess any psychoactive properties and have only medical benefits when used by humans.

When isolated as a single compound, separated from THC when necessary, CBD becomes a legal, safe, and medically beneficial compound on its own. It can be bought in every US state and around the world legally, with no need for a note from the doctor or a prescription, as it is THC free.

CBD Oil is the first form of cbd which comes out after extraction. This oil contains only pure cbd in its natural form, and is not further processed or combined with other compounds in order to achieve other cbd based products like dabs, cbd gummies, and others.

Is CBD Oil good for pain?

The answer is yes, it is highly indicated that people should take cbd oil for pain. The science behind this is quite simple and straightforward, and the results are immediate, long lasting, and without any health risks associated.

Cannabidiol has amazing health properties, among which we can include:

  • Excellent pain management properties;
  • Fights anxiety;
  • Can help with depression;
  • Powerful anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Great at regulating sleep patters;
  • Boosts the immune system;
  • Helps relieve stress;
  • Overall natural mood lifter;

All these medical benefits come at no cost whatsoever to your health or well being. CBD does not have any side effects and does not pose any health risks for the human body.

You can take CBD over long or indefinite periods of time without any risk, and you cannot develop a tolerance to this compound. It will have the same effect every time you ingest cbd oil or cbd in any other form.

CBD oil for pain is being used by an ever increasing segment of the population because of the great efficiency of this compound and the zero heath risks policy associated with cbd oil. People who suffer from chronic pain have the most to gain from cbd oil because this product is a healthy and no risk alternative to traditional pharmaceutical pain medication, which can do more harm than good over long periods of time.

When it comes to managing pain in a risk free way, our advice is give cbd oil a try. Document yourself on all the necessary details about cbd oil for pain, and make an informed decision about your health.

If you have any doubts about how cbd oil will work on you, it is advised you consult a medical specialist before taking this compound, so then they can full explain how it works and what is to be expected.

