How Can Schools Make the Best Payroll Processing Decision Making?

Bell School Management Software
2 min readOct 26, 2022


One of the quickest and most efficient ways to manage payroll for any type of organization, corporate concern, office, or huge industry is to use the school ERP software. Using the correct ERP technique makes it simpler to pay employees on time.

If there are around 20 scholars for every teacher in a school and each school accepts 1000–1500 students annually, this means that on average, there can be 75 teachers in a single school. The ERP software also aids in the management of peons, non-academic employees, clerks, group-D employees, administrative and laboratory workers, and other employees.

ERP software

Main characteristics of payroll software?

1. Defining the structure of earnings and deductions

The payroll module aids in the definition and upkeep of records for employee wages, source deductions, and employee contributions.

2. Basic-Pay Calculation Based on Attendance

The payroll module ERP records employee attendance, which enables basic salaries to be determined based on that information and prevents employees from receiving duplicate benefits or deductions.

3. Defining the leave system

You can easily specify a staff member’s leave structure, including the number of casual, half-day, and other types of leaves and the overall amount of leaves permitted for a given session, such as 10 casual leaves for a single academic year.

4. Transfer PF and salary funds to bank accounts

After specifying all additions and deductions, payroll modules calculate staff salaries, which are then sent straight to their bank accounts.

5. Producing reports and payslips

You may produce every achievement show to payroll and pay slips with only one click.

6 Pay-grade-based employee organization

To process payroll effectively, it is necessary to separate employees depending on their pay scale and position within the company.

7 Backs the way that employees are paid

The software should be made to accommodate the many methods of employee payment, including direct deposit into bank accounts, checks, and cash. paid weekly salary, every month, etc.


The brand-new payroll administration features offered by the school ERP system are advantageous to many schools and institutes. If you’d like to learn more about the different kinds of ERP school management software in India used to manage student data and information, check out the most recent information at Bell Macwill.



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