The Argentinian miracle: Javier Milei and the awakening of the libertarian force.

Lucas Bello
3 min readJan 16, 2024


Image shows Javier Milei with the presidential band

Javier Milei has been elected president of Argentina. In a historic, unprecedented, and unimaginable election, the libertarian candidate managed to win the battle against the establishment and the peronist government in power, who`s candidate was Sergio Massa. He collected around 56% of the votes, meaning that approximately fourteen and half million Argentinians have decided to vote for him. His competitor only managed to collect approximately 44% of the votes, standing 12 points behind. In an election that had a 76.31% level of participation, Milei was able to win in 21 of the 24 districts of our country. The numbers I’m describing were impossible to foresee by any poll, the magnitude of the victory can’t be described in words.

Moreover, this phenomenon cannot be reduced only to our country. Here we are talking about a regional or even a worldwide phenomenon. The majority of a Latin American country, accustomed to populist governments, have elected a libertarian or anarchist — capitalist president. It will be the first head of state of this kind in all the world. People have decided to bet for the pro capitalist and pro market option, rejecting the interventionist and socialist model. In a world where governments seem to interfere in every aspect of our life, Argentinians have decided for an option which proposes a limited state and the reduction of the intervention of the bureaucratic corporation. So, clearly, Milei is a global surprise and repercussions have not taken long to arise. For example, Donald Trump has congratulated the elected president via his social media “Truth Social’’, adducing that the libertarian has the chance to “make Argentina great again”. Also, Elon Musk said via twitter that “prosperity is ahead for Argentina’’. This Latin American “Reagan’’ has started to collect congratulations from leaders around the world, positioning himself as one of the referents of the “right wing” group around the globe.This could be a great opportunity for our country. We have the chance to return to the central role we had in the nineteenth century, where we were classified as one of the richest countries and the world’s breadbasket. Once again eyes could be centered at us, making a peripheral country increase its relevance around the globe. The promises Javier Milei made about reintegrating Argentina to the “free world” (Liberal democracies of the West), seems like an incredible chance for our country to position itself as relevant and stand out in comparison to our Latin American partners.

Furthermore, I think it’s important to warn all our readers that this is only the beginning of a long and sacrificed journey. Javier Milei has made history, but he must translate this victory into positive results to achieve success. The peronist movement, also known as “kirchnerismo”, seems to be beaten up and it’s clear that the magnitude of the defeat is colossal. But it would be extremely dumb to underestimate them. They have risen from ashes several times in the past, and they cannot be cataloged as politically “dead” so easily. They will still have power in congress, where they could try to block all the “radical” measures Milei is proposing. So, Milei must act rapidly and with conviction. He must look for allies in the anti — peronist spectrum, to be capable of governing and passing through congress the huge number of laws he needs (His political party does not have majority in congress, not even the necessary number to start a session). Here the figure of our ex-president Mauricio Macri and his political party is crucial, because as a declared ally of Milei he could give the support the libertarian needs to pass all sorts of laws. Uncertainty and adversities seem to be what awaits us in this path of recovering Argentina.

To conclude, I think that no matter the difficulties, if Milei manages to achieve decent results, we may be witnessing the end of a socialist and interventionist model that has demonstrated to generate a social and economic crisis with its measurements. In other words; We may be contemporaries of the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. Our country seems to be hugging the ideas of liberty, detaching itself from the regulatory arm of the state. Time will confirm or reject my expectations. So, until then, let’s all together make the necessary effort to “make Argentina great again”.



Lucas Bello

Argentinian. 21 years old. Student of political science. Enthusiastic about writing and a fighter in this battle we call "life".