6 Hot Air Balloons of different sizes in the blue sky

Capitalization IQ and Constant Iteration

Bell Omuboye
4 min readJun 8, 2022

Alright!, we’re exploring some nodes that surround this challenge and Community Management for me. We have two interesting concepts from the maker of “Your Attitude determines your Altitude” 🤣.

As an individual carrying out these actions towards yourself and as someone whose actions would affect others (Community Manager Bell is talking), these concepts are worth noting.

So, let’s step a bit into them.

Capitalization IQ

To capitalize is to “take the chance to gain advantage from”

There’s something I want to bring to your attention. Some iconic people have this level of belief in themselves, believing that they can carry out what they set to do. It enables them to make moves according to their plans, make decisions when things don’t go according to plan, wing it and bounce back from failures. There is that trust.

I love rewriting events and expanding certain points to tell a different story. Most projects and things I undertake are filled with lots of uncertainty. Capitalization IQ for me has been about trusting myself to be able to draw on my previous experiences and connect/combine/rewrite them in the way that would best fit the situation at hand.

Well, well, that’s how I’ve interpreted it — I’ve replaced, gifts as you’d find below, with experiences (how would you? **glee**). Now, let’s dive into how the book where the concept arises from lays it out.

Capitalization IQ as by Robin Sharma in The 5AM Club

Capitalization IQ, is your ability to materialize whatever gifts you’ve been born with.

The capitalization in Capitalization IQ hails from a theory by James Flynn. Let me expand on this a bit. It’s the rate at which a society maximizes the potential of its human capital. The effect of this theory is that “success” does not merely come to those who have certain traits or backgrounds but also relies on how much those talents have been groomed and enhanced.

Once you realize this, certain differences make more sense and you can see how poverty, disabilities, racism, classism and sexism etc in society contribute to grooming traits in certain people who then become more successful. In this play though, there is another on the stage which is you. So let’s face you (and me so ourselves 🤣).

Right off the bat is that “what makes a legendary performer so good isn’t the amount of natural talent they are born into…their dedication, commitment and drive to maximize whatever strengths they had [are what] made them iconic.”

We often get sold a story that these heroic geniuses are so special that soon we’re hypnotized into playing small with our own strengths (I mean what’s the point of doing those since we don’t have those magic genes). We learn to be victims and accept mediocrity. In order to grow your Capitalization IQ, you begin writing a different story for yourself- one that has you trusting in your ability and lets you discipline yourself to discover and make use of your skills to the best outcome.

P.S. When doing the above, define what success means for you. Focus on that and not what someone else is achieving or says you should achieve. You would also have to explore how to carry this out. Imagery: Several Hot Air Balloons. Several.

“Every time you become aware of yourself dropping into victim mode and make a more courageous choice, you rewrite the narrative. You raise your self-identity, elevate your self-respect and enrich your self-confidence. Each time you vote for your superior self you starve your weaker side — and feed your inherent power. And as you do this with the consistency demanded by mastery, your ‘Capitalization IQ,’ … will only grow.” — The 5AM Club

Constant Iteration and Improvement (yes I added this)

Those familiar with Atomic Habits may have made a connection from the quote above that says “vote for your superior self” (if you did or didn’t, let me know 🤣)

Let’s start with another quote here that connects to the above.

“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity. Small habits can make a meaningful difference by providing evidence of a new identity. And if a change is meaningful, it is actually big. That’s the paradox of making small improvements.” — James Clear

Constant Iteration is a concept that spans several fields (hello Agile). However just like the above, little meaningful changes rock. Several projects are going to be pretty large and really big deals for you. It could be tempting to want to get everything right at once and in fact that could actually work at times (hello hyperfocus). However, that could also bog you down. Experiment, measure the results and using that to make changes in the next experiments. Baby steps, eh?

P.S. Be careful to not put yourself down when doing the above. Celebrating the small votes can mean woefully bemoaning the non-votes. Laugh and look at what can be fixed and then iterate on it. Imagery: A Hot AirBalloon. Balloons are filled with gas like helium which are really light and so they rise easily to oh so high but doesn’t weigh down. Also helps that we have laughing gas (I’d see myself out)😁

Sit Aside with me…

Watching art tutorials and timelapses.

Drawing upside down can improve your skills actually. So you recognize shapes and lines you see instead of what you think it should look like or how you normally draw. Now wondering what else I can do upside down or from a different angle. What would you randomize or with whom?

Clearing the 3 page brain dump for Day 2 of this Challenge,




Bell Omuboye

Fullstack Developer. Always working in communities. I write here about this life, Blockchain Development forays and Product Management learnings and doing.