Understanding Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Nodes: Essential Web3 Components

8 min readAug 19, 2023
Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash


A fundamentally crucial element of the Web3 architecture for both users and developers is Remote Procedure Call (RPC) nodes. These nodes serve as a conduit for communication and interaction between decentralized blockchain networks and applications.

RPC nodes help with a variety of tasks on a decentralized network like Ethereum, including sending and receiving transactions and balancing queries. They enable developers to create decentralized apps (DApps) without managing a whole node themselves by converting common HTTP requests into commands that can be understood by the blockchain.


To elaborate further, the specifics of this infrastructure sector are to learn about the many configurations of RPC nodes and how you can use this technology to enhance your Web3 experience is given below.

  • RPC Nodes: What Are They? An overview of RPC nodes that explains their purpose within the blockchain ecosystem, how they work, and why users and developers need them
  • Examining various node configurations, such as full nodes, light nodes, and archive nodes, and how they provide access to various data ranges How Does a Node’s Configuration Impact Data Availability?
  • What is Necessary to Manually Run a Node? A succinct summary of the importance of RPC node providers
  • Benefits and Drawbacks of Public RPCs An analysis of public RPC nodes
  • When Should You Consider Other RPC Node Solutions? Describe possible benefits and use cases for a node provider of the public RPC.

RPC Nodes: What Are They?

RPC (Remote Procedure Call) nodes are specialized Web3 infrastructure servers that handle client requests to execute blockchain actions. They make preset methods accessible through an API so that software can communicate with the blockchain using the HTTP or WebSocket protocols.

By accessing the blockchain’s data and giving the necessary information in a format that the client application can easily understand, RPC nodes may also handle complex queries like obtaining account balances or contract states.

An RPC node, in more technical terms, converts high-level requests into low-level activities that the blockchain can comprehend.

By gaining access to the blockchain’s data and giving the needed information in a format that the client application can easily understand, RPC nodes may also handle complex queries like getting account balances or contract states.

RPC nodes serve a critical role in enabling blockchain technology by acting as a bridge between client applications and decentralized blockchain networks, bridging the gap between high-level programming constructs and the underlying blockchain protocol.

Uses Include

  • For Users: Through wallet applications, RPC nodes enable users to send and receive transactions, check balances, and engage with smart contracts.
  • For developers: To create and distribute decentralized apps (DApps), access network data, and carry out administrative duties, developers use RPC nodes.

RPC Node Operation Methods

  • Manually: Setting up the necessary hardware and software, configuring the node, and maintaining it all go hand in hand with running an RPC node manually. While offering complete control and flexibility, this method calls for technical know-how.
  • Via Node Providers: By handling the setup, upkeep, and optimization, a node provider makes it simpler for people and companies to create and operate RPC nodes without requiring in-depth technical expertise or a major outlay of resources.

How Does the Configuration of a Node Affect the Availability of Data?

The amount of data available and the techniques you can call on or use are substantially influenced by node configurations. Selecting the ideal configuration for particular use cases and applications requires an understanding of the trade-offs between various configurations. The choice of node configuration is a key factor in determining how users interact with the blockchain, whether they prioritize storage efficiency, historical access, or debugging tools.

Archive Nodes

Archive nodes keep a record of every transaction and state that has ever occurred on the blockchain.

How Archive Nodes Impact the Availability of Data

Access to past data is made available, allowing for sophisticated inquiries and analytics. Essential for applications that demand a thorough understanding of the blockchain’s past. On a general level, this is deemed to be 128 blocks.

Full Nodes

While storing the whole blockchain but not the past states, full nodes validate all transactions and store all blocks.

How Full Nodes Impact the Availability of Data

Access to the current state and recent transaction history, typically the last 128 blocks, is made possible. Though it lacks access to extensive historical data, it is enough for the majority of ordinary blockchain interactions.

You should utilize an archive node for that call since the missing trie nodeerror message is frequently seen when attempting to gain access to old data that is unavailable.

Light Nodes

Light nodes rely on full nodes for extensive information and only keep the header chain themselves.

How Light Nodes Impact the Availability of Data

Offers restricted data access, appropriate for lightweight applications and devices with modest resources.

Considerations Regarding Pruning and Storage

Pruning is the process of removing redundant data to free up space.

How Pruning and Storage Impact the Availability of Data

Pruning may reduce storage requirements, but it may also restrict access to past data, which could have an impact on applications that need a thorough history.

Debugging and Tracing APIs

These are specialized APIs that let programmers examine the internal state of a blockchain, track the execution of transactions, and troubleshoot them.

How Debugging and Tracing APIs Impact the Availability of Data

Improves the capacity to examine and comprehend the behavior of the blockchain, offering helpful information for development and troubleshooting.

Requirements to Manually Run a Node

Manually running a node is a complex operation that needs careful consideration of hardware, software, configuration, security, and other factors. A broad range of technical skills are required for successful operation, and the requirements vary depending on the particular blockchain and type of node.

Running a Node: Some General Aspects

It can be difficult for both people and companies to manually run a blockchain node, especially when doing so on-premises. Node synchronization can take a long time, and keeping a node in good shape necessitates frequent upgrades and careful upkeep.

It can take months to sync an Ethereum archive node on Geth from scratch; at present, it also needs about 14 Terabytes of expensive SSD storage.

The possibility of nodes timing out or desynchronizing can stop activities, and scaling up to more nodes adds complexity and the possibility of inconsistent results. The difficulty of controlling nodes is increased when there is a high volume of network traffic, which makes it a time-consuming and resource-intensive activity.

Utilizing a node provider, on the other hand, eliminates these difficulties by taking care of all deployment, upkeep, scaling, and synchronization issues. It provides a simplified and effective solution, saving developers and companies time, effort, and infrastructure investment while allowing them to concentrate on creating and improving their apps instead of having to worry about managing the underlying node architecture.

Technology-Related Factors

Manually running a node is a complex operation that needs careful consideration of various factors, including hardware, software, configuration, security, and more. For successful operation, a wide range of technical skills are required, and the requirements vary depending on the individual blockchain and node type.

  1. Hardware prerequisites
  • CPU: Able to handle transactions and validations with sufficient processing power.
  • RAM: Enough memory to operate effectively
  • Storage: The amount of space needed depends on the node type (full, light, or archive).
  • Network: For synchronization, a dependable, fast internet connection is needed.

2. Software prerequisites

  • Client Software: Pick a client program that is designed for the particular blockchain.
  • Additional: In order to offer the data based on the target user, it may be necessary to create unique solutions.

3. Setup and Synchronization

Setting parameters for the network, the consensus mechanism, etc. through node configuration

Blockchain synchronization may require a lot of bandwidth and time.

4. Technical Qualifications Needed

  • System administration: Knowledge of hardware and OS installation and upkeep
  • Networking expertise: comprehension of network security and setups

Understanding of the basic principles and protocols of the blockchain.

5. Security & Upkeep

  • Access controls, firewalls, and encryption are implemented as security measures.
  • Recurring Updates: Keeping the client and system current
  • Monitoring and Maintenance: Constant performance and security monitoring

Public RPCs

Public endpoints have inherent performance, reliability, security, and customizability constraints, but they also provide accessibility and ease of usage. Comparatively, establishing a node offers a more reliable and customized solution, aligning with the unique needs and objectives of users and applications.

What is a public endpoint?

An RPC node that is open to all online users is referred to as a public endpoint.

It enables users to communicate with a blockchain without maintaining a node of their own.

In Contrast to a Node Provider

1. Execution

  • Public Endpoint: Congestion may occur, resulting in slower response times.
  • Node provider: Performance-optimized, offering quicker and more reliable responses.

2. Dependability

  • Public Endpoint: It is susceptible to outages and might not be constantly accessible.
  • Node provider: Provides managed services and support for greater reliability.

3. Privacy and Security

  • Public Endpoint: They are known for limited security oversight and the potential disclosure of confidential information.
  • Node provider: Control over data privacy and improved security procedures

4. Individualization and Control

  • Public Endpoint: No control over the underlying infrastructure and no room for customization.
  • Node provider: Complete configuration control allows for customization to meet unique demands.

5. Price and Accessibility

Public Endpoint: Generally free and accessible; however, usage restrictions may apply.

  • Node provider: Has costs related to the selected plan but provides greater features and flexibility.

Limitations of Public RPC by Design

  • Scalability Problems: You may have trouble handling huge demand.
  • Data Availability: Not all necessary data or historical states may be accessible in this manner.
  • Support and Compliance: A lack of committed support and adherence to particular regulations

When to take Node Providers into Account

People and organizations with particular performance, security, customization, and compliance requirements must take alternate RPC node solutions into consideration. It is flexible to connect to different blockchain networks by using custom endpoints in tools like Metamask and web3.js. A comprehensive solution, like that provided, can be used for a variety of use cases, from trading to development and beyond.

  1. Use Cases
  • Programmers create decentralized apps that need dependable and specialized access.
  • Traders require real-time information and frequent interactions with the blockchain.
  • Researchers examine blockchain data through analysis, which calls for past states and precise queries.
  • Enterprises using blockchain technology require compliance, support, and scalability.

2. Restrictions on Common (Public) Solutions

  • Performance Restrictions: Congestion may affect public endpoints.
  • Limited control over the security of public infrastructure is a security concern.
  • Customization Needs: Particular API, configuration, and data access requirements

3. Advantages of Alternative solutions

  • Improved Performance: It has been sped up and made more reliable.
  • Customizable security measures with a tailored approach.
  • Flexible Customization: Management of data access, node configuration, and other features

Support and compliance: Consistent assistance and adherence to rules


From their fundamental function in Web3 to the subtle concerns in design, deployment, and utilization, RPC nodes have been thoroughly examined in this blog post. The offered insights provide helpful advice for a wide range of people and use cases in the blockchain world, whether taking into account manual setup or utilizing node providers like AWS Blockchain API Provider, Get Blocks, Chainstack, Alchemy, etc., or public endpoints.

Thanks for reading.

I will see you on the next one.




Web3 Developer, Technical Writer & Digitalization Enthusiast