How to Make Passive Income Online with AI-Generated Music

Leverage the Power of AI to Create Unique Music and Earn Recurring Royalties

Bembelino Bembi
6 min readAug 8, 2023
Photo by William White on Unsplash

Music has always been a powerful way for artists to express themselves and connect with others. But for most musicians, turning their art into a sustainable income source is a major challenge. The old models of selling albums or playing live shows make it tough to earn money passively from your creative works.

Fortunately, advances in artificial intelligence are opening up promising new opportunities for musicians to monetize their talents in the digital age. By utilizing AI tools to generate unique music, you can publish endless original songs online and collect royalties every time they are streamed or downloaded. With some effort and consistency, it’s possible to build up a library of music that earns you passive revenue month after month.

Step 1: Get Access to an AI Music Composition Tool

The first step is to sign up for an artificial intelligence music service that can automatically generate music for you. There are currently several options available, with varying quality and capabilities:

  • Amper Music: Amper uses advanced AI to create royalty-free music based on the parameters you…

