What I Do Every Day To Be Happier

I don’t know if it happens because I’ve been paying attention to this topic lately, but I notice a lot of people around me, on different occasions, contemplating the period of childhood, almost with tears in their eyes.

Bembelino Bembi
4 min readJun 16, 2023
When was the last time you thought about your childhood? What is your favorite memory? Photo from Freepik.com

Simple activities like watching sports with a friend, having a soak in the bath, or meeting up with friends for coffee can all improve your day. Doing something you’re good at, such as cooking or dancing, is a good way to enjoy yourself and have a sense of achievement.

Sometimes the tears are of joy because the moments they remember are happy moments, other times, they are of sadness, and not because they are thinking about sad moments, but because they regret the passage of time and the fact that now, in the present, they no longer feel the same joy.

If you had to choose one word to describe the moments when you felt good then, what would it be?

For me, joy is the emotion I associate with childhood. And I still remember her with joy. And not because I had the happiest childhood in the world, but because then it was very easy to be happy.


