Everything you need to know before going on a spiritual retreat to India

beMORE - travel
8 min readMay 12, 2018


“The body is literally manufactured and sustained by the mind”

– Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda

Known far and wide as the land of the beautiful Taj Mahal, India attracts tourists from all over the World because of the beauty and grace that pervades through its boundaries. It is the land of yoga, spiritual rejuvenation, a place where you can reconnect with your Soul. India is one of the few countries in the World, which can spiritually detoxify you.

There are spiritual yoga retreats and meditation centers aplenty in the glorious land of the Vedas. The meditation ashrams in India enable you to disconnect from otherworldly distractions, only to help you focus on finding inner peace.

Numerous places in India remain untouched by human civilization. So if you are a wanderer at heart, seeking peace in the myriad beauties of nature, you should consider visiting this country on your next vacation.

Best time to go to India

The ideal time to visit India is between October and March. October brings a breath of fresh autumn air to the country, and the weather is far more pleasant and far less uncomfortable than either April or May.

Moreover, the weather is good and tourists can partake in the glorious Diwali celebrations, which are held with much grandeur.

However, if you are visiting India specifically to see the Taj Mahal, then you should choose a date between February and October. This is because, during winter, fog can sometimes obscure your view of the Taj.

Transportation within India

You can access most urban areas in the country through Uber and taxicabs, but some semi-urban or rural areas will require you to use the local transport available in the area.

Most of India’s population uses autos, buses, trams, and rickshaws as day-to-day transportation. These facilities are available in abundance at all places. They will help you to get from place to place. Also, local transport will enable you to live the local life — even if it is only for a few days.

The “tanga” ride is also an interesting and memorable experience associated only with India. “Tangas” (horse-drawn rickshaws) are available in very rural areas, and in some places, they are the only means of local transport. However, you can enjoy this experience on your visit to the Taj, since the Taj does not allow any fuel operated cars within 20 miles of its radius. There, “tangas” and battery operated cars take you from your parking spot to the gates of the mausoleum.

But in our retreats we make sure to save all the trouble by providing you with all kinds of transportation facilities to eliminate all your hassles.

How to apply for the Indian visa

You can apply online for your Indian visa. Websites like https://inidianvisaonline.gov.in contain all the information necessary for you to make your application. Be sure to start your application process way before your trip start day to avoid the stress of a possible delivery delays.

How to prepare for the trip

Usually, when you visit a particular place, you pack according to the weather it is experiencing at that time. This holds true for India as well, although you should keep a few things at hand for emergency purposes.

Here is a rough list of the things you might need for your trip to India:

  • Lots of cotton clothes, shirts, tank tops if you are visiting during the summer;
  • Trunks and beach clothing if you are visiting a coastal area;
  • Headscarf or bandana to cover your head in Temples and Sacred places. It is mandatory both for men and women;
  • Cardigans andsweaters, scarves, gloves and earmuffs if you are visiting during the winter or if your destination is a hill station.

This clothing list is subject to change depending on the weather and the place you are visiting. For example, hill stations like Sikkim and Pelling are cold throughout the year, so you will need plenty of warm clothing no matter when you visit. On the other hand, coastal regions like Goa and Mumbai experience high humidity, so the weather is unbearably hot in the summer and comfortably warm in the winter.

  • Sunscreen — lots and lots of it
  • Aloe gel for sunburns
  • Good quality footwear. Don’t forget to pack your snow boots if you have trekking plans in the Himalayas
  • A good quality camera to capture all the picture -perfect sceneries.

Medical checklist

It is imperative for every traveller to be armed with a plethora of medication to combat any unforeseen situation. It also helps to know what specific medication will come in handy for the place you are about to visit, so here’s a comprehensive checklist of the different medicines you will need for your visit to India.

  • Anti-diarrheal medication and digestives
  • Anti-pollution mask in cities like Delhi and Mumbai where the air is not the best
  • Antihistamine
  • Motion sickness medication
  • Medicines that relieve joint pain
  • Paracetamols
  • Cough drops
  • Malaria medication
  • Mosquito repellants
  • Antacids
  • Anti-inflammatory ointments
  • Oral rehydration facilities

Recommended vaccinations

Apart from your routine vaccinations, there are some special vaccines you might need to make before your trip to India.

  • Hepatitis A
  • Typhoid
  • Cholera
  • Hepatitis B
  • Malaria
  • Japanese Encephalitis
  • Rabies
  • Yellow Fever

Things you should look for before choosing the retreat in India

As mentioned earlier, there are a number of affordable spiritual centers in India. But, they are all different from each other, especially in the way they operate. So before you settle on any one spiritual yoga retreat, here are some aspects you need to take a look at:

  1. Location: Most spiritual retreats are located in quiet areas, far away from the hustle and bustle of city life. So you should prepare to cut yourself off from active life for a couple of days. The location is also important because it might directly affect your health. For example, if you suffer from altitude sickness, a meditation retreat in the Himalayas may not be ideal for you.
  2. Guru/Guide: A minimum amount of research will give you enough information about the various gurus in the different spiritual centers and their approach towards the concept of salvation. Choose your guru according to your purpose.
  3. Accommodation: Surprisingly some spiritual retreat centers do not provide accommodation, so we suggest that you choose one that is not too far away from your hotel. It would also be advisable to select a retreat with accommodations a little separated from the beaten path, just so that you can continue to be in your peaceful bubble at all times.
  4. Food: Some spiritual centers do not have food provisions, which means that you’ll have to provide it for yourself. Choose a center which has some small grocery shops nearby, selling snacks and such.

Local culture and local language in India

India is a multicultural country with diverse languages, people and customs. There are several architectural wonders you can visit during your vacation, such as the Mahavatar Babaji Cave or the Neem Karoli Babaji Temple, both iconic representatives of the wonderful Hindu religion. Brimming with spirituality these places offer peace amidst the solitude of the surroundings. The Neem Karoli Babaji Temple was a particular favourite of the late Steve Jobs.

Each little part of the country is filled with colors and flavors that speak volumes about the culture prevalent there. For example, Hyderabad abounds in architectural wonders that are breathtaking to say the lease, while Mumbai has literally been deemed the city of dreams. The food is delectable, to say the least, although it might be a little difficult on the tummy because of all the added spices.

While the language may seem like a barrier, most people in urban places are well-versed in English. Having a basic knowledge of Hindi will help you communicate with the locals in rural areas.

As far as the spiritual centers go, all of them can speak fluent English, mainly because of the number of international disciples they receive each year.

You can also brush up on your Sanskrit since it will help you understand the meaning of the incantations and chants better, and take a look at some ancient scriptures. However not knowing Sanskrit or Hindi won’t be a problem. The Gurus will be explaining everything in detail and there is always someone who speaks English.

Why is India the best place for yoga and meditation retreats?

There are many types of retreats that give a variety of services. Some of them offer an ancient technich of Kriya Yoga. It is a very comprehensive ancient meditation technique of breath control and energy, or pranayama. It is also a very profound and complex spiritual path, which includes constant practice of meditation and right living. It was Paramahansa Yogananda who first brought Kriya Yoga to the Western World after Great Saint Mahavatar revived it.

Other retreats offer different types of yoga & meditation practices like for example, Sound Healing. It is a very profound technique that allows you to connect to your soul on a deeper level. Also there are retreats that are held only for men or for women. Female only retreats are very popular and provide an amazing support and healing.

True, you might not be able to reconcile with the Almighty, but proper meditation will definitely help you to shed whatever emotional burden you might be carrying. Meditation is known to calm frayed nerves, and through the medium of prayer and active service in the meditation ashrams in India, you might find answers to many spiritual questions.


At the core of a spiritual retreat is the chance to connect with the force or energy that is much greater, deeper and vaster than anything on this earth — that is the chance to reflect and establish an honest connection with the self. The power of spiritual meditation in India has attracted magnates as powerful as Mark Zuckerberg. This goes to suggest how potent this practice is.

No matter how paradoxical it might seem, sitting in a room in the middle of nowhere, with no worries or responsibilities plaguing your mind — you will definitely feel a lot calmer and happier than you ever did before the trip. Such is the effect of meditation. Of course, the scenic beauty of Indian landscapes will also contribute heavily to the healing of your soul.


Originally published at bemore-travel.com on May 12, 2018.



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