Steve Jobs in India

beMORE - travel
5 min readMar 25, 2018


Journey to India

Steve Jobs started gaining interest in the Eastern spirituality since he was very young. He worked at Atari to save up and finance his trip to India where he wanted to go in search of enlightenment and meet Neem Karoli Baba whom he considered his Guru. After reading “Be Here Now” and “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda, his interest was stirred up even more.

With the money he saved up, he came to India with Daniel Kottke on a spiritual retreat for seven months in the 1970s.

His eventful journey in India began at Delhi where he first landed. He swapped his western clothes for a traditional Indian outfit called lungi. He set out his trip from Delhi to the Himalayas in search of Neem Karoli Baba. Along the way, they survived by eating free food offered at the Hare Krishna Temple and slept in abandoned buildings. He was provided watered-down milk, he was overcharged by cabs, was taken to a motel instead of a hotel, and he got dysentery. However nothing stopped Jobs from reaching his goal to meet his Guru, find his inner self and attain enlightenment.

He met a man near Nainital who shaved Steve’s head and claimed he knew the whereabouts of Neem Karoli Baba. When Jobs made it to the place, to his dismay, he had found that Neem Karoli Baba had already died. Still, it did not discourage him from continuing his spiritual journey.

Even though Steve Jobs’ visit to India wasn’t the easiest of experiences, it changed his life. He started learning more about Buddhism and reached the state of Zen through meditation which he learnt in India. By continually meditating he then returned to Atari as a more focused individual. He revived his friendship with Steve Wozniak and together they worked in Wozniak’s garage where the two began creating startup known as Apple Computers. That’s when his success began.

If he had completed college and had never dropped out to go on a spiritual journey to achieve enlightenment, he’d perhaps never have been able to reach the successful heights he did with Apple.

Even after his success, he remained in touch with his spirituality. He’d regularly meditate despite his busy schedule. It helped him maintain clarity to stay focused on one thing rather than wasting attention on many things at the same time.

The Infamous Indian Temple

Steve Jobs endured a lot of hardship to reach the ashram, or a holy community, of Neem Karoli Baba in Uttarakhand.

Neem Karoli Baba was an individual whose life force was so charged through meditation, compassion, and discipline that he was considered to be the incarnation of the Hindu God, Lord Hanuman. He was a mentor, a spiritual leader and a guide in this world for people who are in search of a life purpose.

Over and over again the temple has proven itself as a mesmerizing experience in which mind and soul come together. Finding yourself is finding your future. Finding a calm and better mindset is a blessing.

The temple is built in a place in which there is abundant positive energy, owing to the electric and magnetic wave conveyances of the south/north post push. Because of this happening, you will genuinely enlighten yourself in ways you didn’t know was possible. People like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg have had significant benefits of this experience. For young entrepreneurs, it seems to have the incredible power to find your inner self. The spiritual retreat like this one, or as Steve Jobs called it “his quest”, can become the biggest investment of your life.

The five senses a human body posses are sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. These senses can be activated only in the energy engulfed at the temple. These senses are activated while being inside the temple. Now, this might sound easy to you, but to truly enhance the feelings you must be very focused and centered which is achievable, although challenging. The place of worship will only be pleased once the five senses are pleased. Another part of the spiritual journey is the temple bells. The temple bells are made so that when they ring they produce a sound that creates unity in both the left and right parts of your brain. It is because of this sharp and enduring sound which lasts a minimum of 7 seconds in echo it is possible to activate the seven healing centers of our bodies. Thanks to it you will feel all the negative energy flow away emptying your brain from all kinds of negative thoughts.

Many people come to this temple to achieve this sense of enlightenment. A lot of Hollywood A-listers have also visited this ashram and temple.

Mark Zuckerberg at Kainchi Ashram

Mark Zuckerberg was going through a rough patch with Facebook in its early days and went to Steve Jobs to seek advice. Steve advised him to go to the Neem Karoli Baba ashram that he had visited decades ago which led to the evolution of his thinking and what he wanted and envisioned Apple to be. Steve Jobs had told Mark Zuckerberg to reconnect with what he believed was the mission of the company. It was mentioned to the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi when he visited the United States.

Mark Zuckerberg arrived at Pantnagar where he drove to the Ashram to find his spirituality. He spent two days at the ashram as due to the bad weather, his flight was delayed.

It was only through his travel to India that Steve Jobs, a college dropout came up with his vision of Apple. He went on to create the revolutionary Apple Company and succeed in it.

He endured many hardships in life, but never gave up. Even though he was not financially well-off in his 20s, he still traveled to India on his spiritual journey. He later came to be known as the founder and CEO of Apple.

Many of the world’s most famous people have visited the temple and have had a breakthrough in their lives. But most of them had to endure difficulties. In the end, it was worth it, and now they’re enjoying their successes.

What is your dream? Do you want to travel the World? Do you desire to be successful, happy and loved? Are you ready to do anything to achieve it?

Sometimes one very profound experience is just enough to transform your life completely. Most of the success stories include a magical experience or a life-changing event. It looks like you have to try something so unusual so that you can unlock your creative channel and get a realization of who you are and what you are here for.

There is no harm in trying and there’s always a way to go back to your comfortable but average life. Steve Jobs experienced something quite challenging, but at the end it was absolutely worth it.

How far can you go to make your life magical?

Originally published at on March 25, 2018.



beMORE - travel

Hi! I’m Alsu. I was born and raised in a big & beautiful Russia. I love my life. I want you to fall in love with yours.