Your Guide On How To Write A Profile For Dating Sites

4 min readDec 15, 2023


As a dating consultant and writer, I’ve personally found love online. One crucial lesson I’ve learned is the significance of a well-crafted online dating profile. Unfortunately, an irresponsibly filled account, with mistakes and bad photos can nullify all your chances for a long and happy relationship. No matter what a great, interesting, and kind person you are, if you don’t reflect it on your page, matches will just pass by. So, find the tips on how to write a good dating profile in my guide below.

Tips for online dating profiles

Before you sit and start uploading photos, write your description and tell others what you do, like and hate, have some time to get ready and think what works out and what spoils the profiles. Here are a few recommendations:

  • Leave out the negativity. Remember, no one likes hostility, cynicism, and pessimism. It’s not sexy. Avoid complaining and don’t focus only on things you don’t like. What’s more, never indicate what kind of users you consider “not your type”. Stay positive and welcoming.
  • Mind your grammar and spelling. It might seem like not a big deal but believe it, it makes a lot of people stay away from profiles with typos and poor grammar. It costs you nothing to use spell check, but it shows your thoughtfulness and erudition. It’s sexy. Never underestimate it.
  • Avoid clichés. If you want a really good dating profile, try to avoid what everyone else says. Even if you like “spending time with friends” and “going to the movies”, it’s better to miss that out. Be more creative. Think about what hobbies and interests can help you to stand out among others.
  • Be honest. Honesty is the best policy. Even if you, for some reason, want to sugarcoat something, remember — nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest. Moreover, imagine how you’d feel if a person you meet online lied about themselves in their account.
  • Update regularly. The last but not the least online dating profile tip is to keep your account up to date. The information you give about yourself and the pics you upload should always be relevant. So renew it regularly.

Try to create a good dating profile!

How to make a good dating profile?

Now, let’s get to the more practical recommendations if you’re interested in the countries with the most beautiful women.

It’s crucial to choose such a profile shot that will appeal to other users. All best dating profiles differ from bad ones by the photos in the first place.


  1. Do take snaps that are in a good light, in focus, have good quality, and not grainy.
  2. Do upload many pictures (face images and full body ones).
  3. Do show your eyes in your photos. No sunglasses.
  4. Do have shots that show your bright, sincere smile.
  5. Do demonstrate what you love to do in your photos.


  1. Don’t imply filters that make the photo look unnatural or distracting.
  2. Don’t upload photos where you’re hard to see.
  3. Don’t let all your pictures be full of your friends or family members. It’s your profile.
  4. Don’t show yourself drinking or partying in every photo unless it reflects who you really are.
  5. Don’t have only selfies in your account.

Once you’ve managed to create a great first impression with your account photos, you have to not screw up with what you write in your bio. How to write a good online dating profile? Stick to the following rules.


  1. Do show you have a sense of humor. Be funny. Show like you take it really easy.
  2. Do share some of your values. Talk about things that are important to you. Attract compatible people.
  3. Do give more details. General phrases say nothing. Be more specific.
  4. Do keep it a bit untold. Leave something you can tell in a personal talk.
  5. Do get a close friend to check your profile for relevancy, grammar, humor, etc.


  1. Don’t show you treat online dating like a joke. There’s a difference between being funny and sarcastic.
  2. Don’t fill out your dating profile when you’re in a bad mood.
  3. Don’t use sexual innuendo and hints. It’s a turn-off.
  4. Don’t brag about your achievements, salary, etc. Share your accomplishments in a more gentle and polite manner.
  5. Don’t mention your exes.

Now you see that writing an online dating profile requires some of your time and effort. But you’ll certainly be rewarded once you’ve done everything correctly. If you follow the tips given above, your profile will stand out and the chances to meet the most compatible partner will be really high. Take as much time as you need to complete your account. You probably know — the more haste, the less speed.

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Hey there, what's up? My name is Ben and I'm the founder of DreamFiancee. I started this biz to help dudes like me find love with women from overseas.