Luka Doncic’s Personal Foul History using NBA Data
3 min readDec 7, 2023
I noticed in a previous post where I looked into NBA Teams statistical ranking improvement and worsening that the Dallas Mavericks had significant improvement in Personal Fouls this season. Now obviously that’s a Team Ranking, but my mind went to Luka, who over the course of his career is often mentioned for his troubles.
There is a different in Technical Fouls and Personal Fouls, but with the NBA API, I could only find access to personal fouls. The following is the code I ran to access the Personal Foul data for Luka.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from nba_api.stats.endpoints import playergamelog
# Initialize an empty DataFrame to store all game logs
all_seasons_logs_df = pd.DataFrame()
# List of seasons to loop through (update this list as needed)
seasons = ['2018-19', '2019-20', '2020-21', '2021-22', '2022-23']
# Fetch game logs for Luka Doncic for each season
for season in seasons:
player_logs = playergamelog.PlayerGameLog(player_id='1629029', season=season)
season_logs_df = player_logs.get_data_frames()[0]
all_seasons_logs_df = pd.concat([all_seasons_logs_df, season_logs_df], ignore_index=True)
# Convert game dates to…