Unlocking Sports Betting with Python: The Odds API

Harnessing Live Data for Smarter Wagering

Ben Ballard
8 min readDec 16, 2023

This article explains how to access The Odds API using Python. We’ll cover the basics of obtaining an API key, using a Python script to pull from the API, wrangling the data, and then making an absolute ton of money. Anyway, this will provide enough code for you to be dangerous out there.

Sports Betting is getting quite popular…

Public Service Announcement: Even if we’re using Python and data… it’s still gambling. Careful out there.

I’ve made it for you easy below with the exact code you will need. First open your favorite python IDE like Jupyter Notebook or VS Code. From there you need to obtain an API key from the Odds-API, which allows 500 requests per month.

Importing Libraries

  • Use the ‘requests’ library for HTTP requests. Install it via pip if not already present.

API Key and Parameters

  • Obtain an API key from The Odds API.
  • Key parameters include SPORT, REGIONS, MARKETS, ODDS_FORMAT, and…



Ben Ballard

Here for Data Science and Machine Learning. MS Data Science @UVA | Boomer | Mavs | Working on NBAanalytics.com.