Generative Fill for Texture Lovers | Creating Unique and Eye-Catching Patterns

Ben Kemp
3 min readJun 20, 2024


Texture of an old wooden fence with cracked blue paint (Firefly Prompt)
Texture of an old wooden fence with cracked blue paint (Firefly Prompt)

For artists who revel in the world of textures — the intricate details, the tactile richness, the endless visual possibilities — a new dawn has arrived. Generative Fill, a powerful tool nestled within the Adobe ecosystem, is revolutionizing the way we create and manipulate textures. Forget tedious tiling or relying on pre-made libraries; Generative Fill empowers you to unleash your inner texture virtuoso, crafting one-of-a-kind patterns that will captivate and inspire.

From Humble Beginnings to AI-Powered Alchemy

Traditionally, creating textures involved painstaking detail work with brushes or painstakingly sourcing and manipulating pre-existing textures. Generative Fill breaks these limitations, leveraging the transformative power of AI. This intelligent tool analyzes existing patterns and textures, understands their underlying essence, and then uses this knowledge to generate entirely new creations. It’s like having a personal texture alchemist at your fingertips!

Unlocking the Secrets of Generative Fill

Here’s how Generative Fill empowers texture creation:

  • Sample and Seed: The journey begins with a seed, the source of inspiration. This could be a photograph you took, a scanned piece of fabric, or even a hand-drawn sketch. Choose an element with the textures you admire, the starting point for your generative adventure.
  • Refine and Guide: Once you’ve chosen your seed, Generative Fill provides a range of controls. You can adjust parameters like scale, detail level, and color palette to guide the AI towards the texture you envision. Describe the type of texture you desire in plain language — “rough concrete,” “delicate lace,” “shimmering metallic” — and Generative Fill will interpret your wishes.
  • Witness the Magic Unfold: With the seed primed and the controls set, watch as Generative Fill takes center stage. It analyzes the provided sample, extracts its core characteristics, and then uses this knowledge to generate an array of unique textures that capture the essence of your inspiration.
  • The Power of Choice: Generative Fill doesn’t offer just one solution. It presents you with a selection of variations based on your seed and parameters. Choose the one that resonates most with your vision, or use it as a springboard for further exploration.

Enter Adobe Photoshop’s revolutionary Generative Fill feature, a powerful tool that harnesses the magic of artificial intelligence (AI) to transform your artistic vision into reality.

Beyond the Basics: Unleashing Generative Fill’s Full Potential

The beauty of Generative Fill lies in its versatility. Here are some ways texture lovers can push the boundaries of creativity:

  • Seamless Pattern Generation: Say goodbye to repetitive tiling! Generative Fill can create seamless, organic patterns that flow naturally across your canvas. Use textures inspired by natural elements like rock formations, tree bark, or flowing water to create truly captivating backgrounds.
  • Material Mashups: Imagine merging the elegance of marble with the ruggedness of exposed brick. Generative Fill allows you to combine textures in unexpected ways, leading to entirely new visual narratives. Experiment with merging textures from different categories, letting AI find the balance and harmony between contrasting elements.
  • Abstract Explorations: Step outside the realm of the representational. Use Generative Fill to create abstract textures that evoke specific emotions or moods. Play with organic shapes, swirling patterns, and unexpected color combinations to create stunning visuals for your next artistic venture.

The Future of Texture Creation: A Collaborative Canvas

This is just the beginning of Generative Fill’s transformative journey. As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more exciting possibilities:

  • Community-Driven Texture Libraries: Imagine a world where artists can share their unique generated textures with others. This could lead to a vast and diverse library of user-created textures, sparking further creative exploration.
  • Real-Time Feedback Loops: The ability to receive real-time feedback on generated textures from the AI itself would be a game-changer. AI could suggest variations or refinements based on artistic principles and user preferences.

A New Era for Texture Enthusiasts

Generative Fill doesn’t replace the artist’s eye; it complements it. By automating tedious tasks and providing a springboard for creative exploration, AI opens doors to a world of textural possibilities that were once unimaginable. So, texture enthusiasts, embrace the power of Generative Fill. Let it fuel your creativity, unleash your inner alchemist, and paint the world with textures that have never been seen before.



Ben Kemp

Technical Writer, Writer on topics related to programming languages and code. Writes Adobe Tutorials on Premiere Pro and After Effects