Ben Golan
4 min readDec 12, 2023


The realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is ever-evolving and endlessly intriguing. In this exploration, we present seven exceptional AI tools that are not only free but also user-friendly and innovative. These tools are selected for their unique features and practical applications, and they are available without any hidden costs like credit card requirements. Some of these tools are ones we use and highly recommend.

  1. GFP-GAN: Revolutionizing Photo Restoration

GFP-GAN, a groundbreaking AI tool developed by Tencent, is transforming the way we restore old photos. By combining two AI models, it fills in missing details of photos with astonishing accuracy and detail in mere seconds. This tool is particularly effective with low-quality images. You can try a demo or even implement its technology in your projects using the available code.

2. AlgosOne: Turning Data Into Dollars

AlgosOne - AI Trading Solution

It’s worth highlighting AlgosOne, a sophisticated trading platform that integrates AI to cater to diverse trading preferences. AlgosOne offers three distinct trade types, each tailored to different user needs and levels of engagement.

Auto-approved trades are the epitome of efficiency and convenience in AlgosOne. Here’s how they work:

The AI algorithm autonomously sets trade parameters, including asset type, position size, direction, timing, entry, and exit points.

Risk mitigation strategies are integrated automatically. These include stops, limits, hedges, and balance allocation caps to ensure a balanced approach to risk management. These trades are executed without any user intervention, capitalizing on the AI’s rapid processing and decision-making capabilities.

1-Click-Approved Trades strike a balance between automation and user involvement: The algorithm determines the trade parameters, but the execution requires user approval.Users receive a notification with the trade details and must click the “APPROVE” button within a specified time frame to initiate the trade.

This trade type fosters user engagement and provides valuable data on user behavior and response times, which is crucial for the algorithm’s learning and adaptation.


3. Your AI Copywriting Assistant is an AI-driven tool that simplifies content creation. Whether you need blog posts, social media content, or product descriptions, just provide a brief topic description, and will generate unique content for you. It’s an invaluable asset for content creators across various platforms.


4. JADBio: Simplifying Machine Learning

JADBio stands out as a user-friendly machine learning platform, ideal for students and professionals alike. It requires no coding expertise and is versatile enough to analyze any curated data. JADBio is particularly useful for predictive modeling and offers a lifetime free account.

Discover JADBio

5. DALL-E 2: Unleashing Creativity with AI

OpenAI’s DALL·E 2 is an AI system that creates realistic images and art from textual descriptions. It combines concepts, attributes, and styles to produce original artworks. This tool is free to use and offers a plethora of examples for inspiration.

Try DALL-E 2

6. Enhancing Content Creation

Notion is testing Notion AI, a feature that generates content based on your input, such as blog posts or email templates. This feature is set to elevate Notion’s already popular note-taking capabilities to new heights.

Learn More about Notion AI

7. Lumen5: Effortless Video Creation

Lumen5 is an online platform that simplifies video creation. It uses AI to transform transcripts into complete video sequences, making it perfect for quick social media content. The platform also offers a wide range of images and videos for use.

Create with Lumen5

8. Precision Audio Editing uses AI for precise audio stem splitting, allowing you to isolate or remove various tracks like vocals or instruments without losing quality. It offers 10 minutes of free use, with affordable plans for more extensive needs.

Thank you,



Ben Golan

AI Projects, Fundraising & Global Experience