the analytics tool that supports API3 DAO governance

Ben Carvill
4 min readFeb 3, 2023


The API3 DAO Tracker has been developed to support the DAO by enabling easy access to the data that helps decentralised participants effectively govern it.

Within this guide, you will understand how the DAO tracker enables participants to:

  1. Understand key on-chain metrics
  2. Watch on-chain DAO events, such as proposals
  3. View the DAO participant history

5 key functions within the DAO Tracker:

The API3 Documentation references 5 key tracker functions for DAO participants:

  1. API3 DAO
  2. Rewards
  3. Wallets
  4. Proposals
  5. Treasury

Within this guide, we will expand further on these 5 areas to help you understand how to use the DAO Tracker effectively in API3 governance.

DAO Dashboard

DAO Participants can find key on-chain data surrounding API3 served as a dashboard.

  1. The number of participants within the DAO: The total number of participants in the DAO or those that have staked their API3 tokens in order to govern
  2. Current and past API3 inflationary rewards & percentage: If the total number of tokens staked is over 50% of supply, inflationary rewards decrease by 1% per epoch. If the total supply staked drops under 50% the inflation rate increases by 1% per epoch
  3. API3 token supply: On-chain data of the current supply of API3
  4. Key DAO smart contracts: Links to smart contracts associated with the API3 DAO

DAO Rewards

As mentioned above, the API3 DAO features inflationary rewards that are minted on every epoch. The rewards page is a dashboard that displays the history of these on-chain events.

DAO Wallets

All the wallets of the DAO Members and associated information are displayed. This includes the date joined, specifics on staked amount/voting power, and a high-level view of the behaviours of the wallet.

Using the bar at the top, participants can search for and then click through to individual wallets.

Within the wallet page participants can see:

- Total tokens staked, staking rewards and locked rewards
- Withdraws or additions to the wallet
- History of wallets voting history
- Delegated voting power to other DAO members

DAO Proposals

Proposals that have been submitted to the API3 DAO are visible here, segmented by ‘Pending’ or ‘Executed’. The status indicates if the proposal is pending, executed, or failed.

DAO participants can check how many votes each individual proposal needs in order to be passed. Users can also see all the members who’ve voted for or against the proposal.

Submitted proposals are displayed here. There are two types of proposals:

  • Primary Proposals — The primary proposals need at least 50% of the votes by the members to be passed.
  • Secondary Proposals — The secondary proposals need at least 15% of the votes by the members to be passed.

Read more about proposals here:

DAO Treasury

The DAO Treasury lives within two core smart contracts consisting of USDC & API3. These are the contracts a participant’s proposal interacts with when requesting resources to contribute. Here this is simply linked and displayed.


The DAO tracker is a simple tool that makes it easier to govern the API3 DAO through the provision of an analytical dashboard.

We welcome feedback concerning the current utility and development of the API3 DAO Tracker, visit the forums or learn more about contributing.

