9 predictions for 2020–2029

The world as we know it is about to change fast.

Ben Longstaff
The Startup


Photo by Tom Parkes on Unsplash

I like to think about the future a lot, so this year I decided to make some predictions.

My predictions for this decade

  1. Federated Learning will unlock value from previously inaccessible sensitive data.
  2. Deepfakes will impact democracy and bring about a need for publisher certified content.
  3. Nationalism will rise around the world, the internet will splinter.
  4. eSports will take a huge chunk of attention and advertising dollars from sports.
  5. Blockchain will get adoption in enterprise. Mainstream adoption will struggle until there is a key custody solutions that everyone can use.
  6. Self driving cars will open up new business models. Regulations will be the main barrier to adoption.
  7. Welfare systems will get strained.
  8. Digital currencies and negative interest rates will open pandoras box.
  9. Search will get reimagined.

1. Federated learning

Value can be extracted from data by running algorithms over a centralised data set. As the amount of data continues to increase it is becoming more difficult…



Ben Longstaff
The Startup

Playing at the intersection of privacy and personalisation. Fascinated by the state of trust in a world with leaky data.