Hyperledger Explorer quick start

Screenshots and Installation steps for the Hyperledger Fabric network explorer.

Ben Longstaff
5 min readFeb 14, 2019

The purpose of this article is so provide the minimum steps to get the simplest configuration of Hyperledger Explorer up and running on a Mac to show the state of a Hyperledger Fabric network.

This article is has the following structure

  • Screenshots of the end result.
  • Dependency installs
  • Installing Hyperledger Explorer
Dashboard for the Network

Hyperledger Explorer is an open source project that is intended to eventually support all of the Hyperledger distributed ledgers, currently it only supports Hyperledger Fabric.

Block details
A list of all of the nodes in the network
All of the blocks across the channels.



Ben Longstaff

Playing at the intersection of privacy and personalisation. Fascinated by the state of trust in a world with leaky data.