Hyperledger Fabric — the 20 most important terms made simple

Your cheatsheet for understanding some awesome tech

Ben Longstaff
3 min readJan 18, 2019

I took a couple of days to sit down and read the docs for Hyperledger Fabric. Spoiler alert it’s awesome tech.

The Private Data Collections addresses how to use private data in smart contracts.

Hyperledger Fabric network components. A1 is an application. P1 is a peer node. S5 is a smart contract. L1 is a ledger. C1 is a channel. CA1 is a certificate authority. NC4 is a network configuration. R1 is an organisation. CC1 is a channel configuration.O4 is a ordering service. N is the Hyperledger network. image source

If I was a gambling man, which I am, my money is on them for enterprise adoption.

Below is an explanation of the key terms.

Anchor Peer

This gets used for communications between organisations. It makes peers in different organisations aware of each other.


Consist of a header, block data (transactions) and block metadata (information about nodes involved with creating the block).

Certificate Authorities

Everyone who wants to interact with the networks needs an identity. The CA provides the means for each actor to have a verifiable digital identity. Hyperledger Fabric has a built in CA component for use in the blockchain network.




Ben Longstaff

Playing at the intersection of privacy and personalisation. Fascinated by the state of trust in a world with leaky data.