Benjamin P.inUX CollectiveWhat behavioral science has to say about user interface performanceAs designers, we use numbers to assess the improvement of our work: funnel conversion, page views, clicks... We iteratively change a…Oct 15, 2019Oct 15, 2019
Benjamin P.Information Architecture: 6 examples of content structureA good content structure will help users find their answers. After looking at top-tier websites and this book on IA, I found 6 structure…Jan 29, 2019Jan 29, 2019
Benjamin P.Reading speed: uppercases or lowercases?All things being equal, do people read uppercases or lowercases faster?Jan 16, 2019Jan 16, 2019
Benjamin P.Internet: How data is transferredInformation transfer between two computers happens following agreed-upon rules (aka protocols). I was curious about how it worked. I read a…Mar 27, 2018Mar 27, 2018
Benjamin P.Asymmetric EncryptionThere are two types of encryption: asymmetric and symmetric. Traces of symmetric encryptions can be found as early as 500 BC. But…Dec 22, 2017Dec 22, 2017
Benjamin P.Secure your web without changing your habitsHabits are hard to change… But today, having good online security practices is important.Nov 30, 2017Nov 30, 2017
Benjamin P.VPNs: why, how, what“A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention with the possible exceptions of handguns and Tequila.” — Mitch…Nov 18, 2017Nov 18, 2017