Adding Brushes in Adobe Animate


Adding Brushes in Adobe Animate
Adding Brushes in Adobe Animate

Brushes are essential tools for creating realistic and expressive strokes in Adobe Animate. They allow you to control the thickness, opacity, and texture of your lines, making it possible to add depth and dimension to your animations. Adobe Animate offers a variety of built-in brushes, but you can also create and import custom brushes to expand your creative options.

Adding Built-in Brushes

  1. Locate the Brush Library: The Brush Library is where you can access and manage all of your brushes, both built-in and custom. To open the Brush Library, go to the Window menu and select Brush Library.
  2. Select Your Brush: Browse through the various brush categories and subcategories to find the brush that best suits your needs. You can filter the brushes by name, type, and properties.
  3. Double-click or Drag and Drop: To add a brush to your current project, double-click on it in the Brush Library. You can also drag and drop the brush directly onto the Stage or onto a symbol in the Library panel.

Creating Custom Brushes

Adobe Animate allows you to create custom brushes from vector shapes or raster images. This gives you the flexibility to design brushes that perfectly match your artistic style and project requirements.

  1. Create Your Brush Image: You can either use existing vector shapes or create new ones using Adobe Animate’s drawing tools. For raster images, you can import them from your computer or use Adobe Capture to create brushes from real-world objects.
  2. Convert to Brush: With your brush image selected, go to the Properties panel and click on the Brush icon. Select Create New Brush from the menu.
  3. Customize Brush Properties: In the Brush Options window, you can adjust various properties of your brush, such as the brush type, size, spacing, rotation, and smoothing.
  4. Name and Save: Give your brush a descriptive name and click Save. Your custom brush will now be available in the Brush Library and can be used for future projects.

Importing Brushes

Adobe Animate supports importing brushes from other Adobe applications, such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. This allows you to leverage the rich brush libraries of these programs and integrate them into your Animate projects.

  1. Export Brushes from Other Applications: Export your brushes from the other Adobe applications as brush presets or brush libraries.
  2. Import Brushes into Animate: Open your Adobe Animate project and go to the File menu. Select Import > Import to Libraries. Locate the exported brush files and click Open.
  3. Add Brushes to the Brush Library: The imported brushes will be added to the Brush Libraries panel. Drag and drop the brushes from the Libraries panel onto the Stage or onto a symbol in the Library panel to use them in your animation.

Tips for Using Brushes in Adobe Animate

  • Explore Different Brush Types: Adobe Animate offers various brush types, including calligraphic brushes, scatter brushes, and pattern brushes. Experiment with different brush types to create a variety of visual effects.
  • Adjust Brush Properties: Don’t be afraid to experiment with the various brush properties, such as size, spacing, rotation, and smoothing, to achieve the desired look for your strokes.
  • Use Custom Brushes: Create custom brushes that match your artistic style and project requirements. This will give your animations a unique and personalized touch.
  • Combine Brushes: You can combine multiple brushes to create even more complex and detailed strokes. Experiment with layering brushes and adjusting their opacity to create a variety of textures and effects.



Benard Kemp (Coach and Multimedia Designer)

Passionate about igniting the flames of motivation and driving personal growth, my words aim to inspire and empower.