Can a Chromebook Run Adobe Illustrator?


Can a Chromebook Run Adobe Illustrator?
Can a Chromebook Run Adobe Illustrator?

Chromebooks have gained significant popularity in recent years, offering a user-friendly experience and affordable pricing. However, their lightweight nature and reliance on the Chrome web browser have led to questions about their ability to run demanding software like Adobe Illustrator.

Direct Installation of Adobe Illustrator on Chromebook

Adobe Illustrator is primarily designed for Windows and macOS operating systems, and it’s not officially supported on Chromebooks. This means you can’t directly install the desktop version of Adobe Illustrator on a Chromebook.

Adobe Illustrator Mobile Apps for Chromebook

To address this limitation, Adobe has released mobile versions of its Creative Cloud apps for Android, including Adobe Illustrator Draw and Adobe Photoshop Sketch. These apps are specifically designed for mobile devices and offer a simplified experience compared to the full desktop versions.

Running Adobe Illustrator in Chrome

In 2021, Adobe announced a web-based version of Adobe Illustrator, accessible through a web browser. This version is still in beta testing, but it provides basic functionality and allows you to create and edit vector graphics.

Performance Considerations

While there are workarounds for running Adobe Illustrator on a Chromebook, performance may be a concern. Mobile apps are generally more optimized for mobile devices, and the web-based version may not be as powerful as the native desktop application.

Alternatives to Adobe Illustrator on Chromebook

If you’re considering using a Chromebook for graphic design, there are several alternatives to Adobe Illustrator that are specifically designed for Chrome OS. These alternatives include:

  • Vectr: A free and open-source vector illustration software with a user-friendly interface.
  • GIMP: A free and powerful image editing software that can also be used for vector graphics.
  • Gravit Designer: A cloud-based vector graphics editor with a wide range of features.


While Chromebooks may not be the ideal platform for running the full desktop version of Adobe Illustrator, there are several options available for Chromebook users who need to create vector graphics. Mobile apps and web-based versions offer simplified experiences, while alternatives like Vectr and GIMP provide more robust functionality. Ultimately, the best choice depends on your specific needs and workflow.



Benard Kemp (Coach and Multimedia Designer)

Passionate about igniting the flames of motivation and driving personal growth, my words aim to inspire and empower.