Can Adobe Animate Export to MP4?


Can Adobe Animate Export to MP4?
Can Adobe Animate Export to MP4?

Yes, Adobe Animate can export your animations to MP4 format, which is a widely used and compatible format for sharing video content online and on mobile devices. While Animate primarily exports to SWF (Shockwave Flash) files, it also offers an option to export animations as MP4 videos using Adobe Media Encoder.

Exporting Animations as MP4 in Adobe Animate

To export your Animate animation as an MP4 file, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare your animation: Ensure your animation is complete and to your satisfaction. Preview your animation to identify any areas that need refinement.
  2. Access Export Settings: Open the Export Settings dialog box by clicking File > Export > Export Video.
  3. Enable Convert Video in Media Encoder: Check the box next to Convert video in Media Encoder to initiate the MP4 conversion process.
  4. Choose the MP4 Format: In the Format drop-down menu, select H.264, which is the standard codec for MP4 video encoding.
  5. Set Export Destination: Browse to the desired location where you want to save the exported MP4 file.
  6. Customize Export Settings: Adjust other export settings like file name, quality, and encoding parameters as needed.
  7. Initiate Export: Click the Export button to start the rendering process. Adobe Media Encoder will open and handle the conversion from Animate’s native file format to the MP4 format.

Benefits of Exporting to MP4

Exporting your Animate animations to MP4 format offers several advantages:

  1. Wide Compatibility: MP4 is a universally recognized format, compatible with various media players, web browsers, and mobile devices.
  2. Reduced File Size: MP4 compression techniques often result in smaller file sizes compared to SWF files, making it easier to share and distribute animations across different platforms.
  3. Enhanced Accessibility: MP4 files can be embedded directly into web pages, allowing for seamless integration with interactive web designs.
  4. Cross-Platform Compatibility: MP4 files can be played on various operating systems and devices, including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.
  5. Ease of Use: MP4 format is widely supported by various video editing software and media players, making it convenient for further editing or playback.


By exporting your Animate animations to MP4 format, you gain access to a versatile and widely compatible format that enhances the accessibility and sharing of your animated creations. The ability to export to MP4 makes Animate an even more powerful tool for creating engaging and interactive multimedia content.

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Benard Kemp (Coach and Multimedia Designer)

Passionate about igniting the flames of motivation and driving personal growth, my words aim to inspire and empower.