Changing Image Colors in Adobe Illustrator


Changing Image Colors in Adobe Illustrator
Changing Image Colors in Adobe Illustrator

In the world of graphic design, the ability to manipulate colors is an essential skill. Adobe Illustrator provides various tools for customizing colors, including images placed within the document. Whether you want to enhance the overall aesthetic of an image or create a specific color palette, Illustrator offers efficient methods to achieve your desired results.

Method 1: Image Trace and Recolor

For raster images (such as JPEGs or PNGs), the Image Trace feature can be used to convert them into vector graphics, allowing for precise color editing. Follow these steps:

  1. Place the Image: Import the image you want to recolor into your Illustrator document.
  2. Open Image Trace: Go to Window > Image Trace to open the Image Trace panel.
  3. Convert to Vector: Set the Mode to “Color” and check the “Ignore White” option, ensuring the image is fully traced.
  4. Expand: Click the “Expand” button to convert the traced image into vector paths.
  5. Recolor Artwork: Select the expanded image and click the “Recolor” button in the Properties panel (or go to Object > Recolor Artwork).
  6. Customize Colors: Use the color wheel and sliders to adjust the colors of the recolored image.

Method 2: Color Balance Adjustment

This method is suitable for modifying the overall color balance of a raster image without converting it into vectors.

  1. Select the Image: Select the image you want to adjust.
  2. Edit Colors: Go to Edit > Edit Colors > Adjust Color Balance.
  3. Adjust Midtones, Highlights, and Shadows: Use the sliders to adjust the midtones, highlights, and shadows of the image.
  4. Fine-tune Color Adjustments: Click the “Advanced” button to adjust the color range and intensity.

Method 3: Replace Color Fill

This method is useful for replacing specific colors within an image with a new color.

  1. Select the Image: Select the image you want to modify.
  2. Find Color: Click the Eyedropper tool and select the color you want to replace in the image.
  3. Replace Color: Click the Paint Bucket tool and click on the image to replace the selected color with the new color.

Method 4: Replace Color with Swatch

This method involves replacing colors with specific swatches from the Swatches panel.

  1. Select the Image: Select the image you want to modify.
  2. Open Swatches Panel: Go to Window > Swatches to open the Swatches panel.
  3. Choose Swatch: Click on the desired swatch from the panel to replace the selected color in the image.

Additional Tips:

  • For precise color matching, use the Eyedropper tool to sample colors from your image.
  • Experiment with different adjustment methods to achieve the desired color effects.
  • Save the modified image as a new file to preserve the original image unaltered.

By understanding these methods, you can effectively change the colors of images in Adobe Illustrator, enhancing their visual appeal and adapting them to your design needs. Embrace the power of color manipulation to create visually compelling and impactful artwork.



Benard Kemp (Coach and Multimedia Designer)

Passionate about igniting the flames of motivation and driving personal growth, my words aim to inspire and empower.