Creating a Flying Bird Animation in Adobe Animate


Creating a Flying Bird Animation in Adobe Animate
Creating a Flying Bird Animation in Adobe Animate

Bringing a bird to life in Adobe Animate is an exciting and rewarding task that requires a combination of art, animation, and technical skills. By following these steps, you can learn how to create a simple yet effective animation of a bird in flight.

Gathering Resources

  1. Bird Image: Start by finding a high-quality image of a bird in flight. This image will serve as the basis for your animation.
  2. Animate CC Symbol Library: Adobe Animate provides a comprehensive library of pre-built animations, including flying birds. You can access this library in the Animate panel or by searching for “Animate CC Symbol Library” in the Properties panel.

Importing and Preparing the Bird

  1. Import Bird Image: Import the bird image into your Animate project. You can do this by dragging and dropping the image file from your computer onto the Stage or by using the File > Import command.
  2. Convert to Symbol: Convert the bird image into a symbol. This will allow you to manipulate the image without affecting the original file. Right-click on the bird image and select “Convert to Symbol.”
  3. Create Separate Symbol Instances: Create separate symbol instances for the bird’s wings and body. This will make it easier to animate the flapping wings and moving body independently.
  4. Position and Align Symbols: Position the wing and body symbols on separate layers on the Stage. Ensure the body is positioned below the wings and that the wings are aligned correctly on both sides of the body.

Animating the Bird’s Wings

  1. Keyframe the Wing Position: Create keyframes for the wing positions at the beginning and end of the flapping motion. Position the wing further forward in the beginning keyframe and further back in the end keyframe.
  2. Add Motion Tween: Select both keyframes and click on the “Create Classic Motion Tween” button in the Timeline panel. This will create a motion tween between the keyframes, animating the wing along a linear path.
  3. Adjust Keyframes and Timing: Adjust the positions of the wing keyframes to refine the flapping motion. Experiment with different frame rates to control the speed of the flapping.
  4. Add Motion Path: For a more natural flapping motion, consider using a motion path. Draw a curved path on the Stage that represents the wing’s path of motion. Attach the wing symbol instance to the motion path.
  5. Refine Movement with Ease and Bounce: Adjust the “Ease” and “Bounce” settings in the motion tween properties to control the smoothness and bounciness of the flapping motion.

Animating the Bird’s Body

  1. Duplicate the Body Symbol: Duplicate the body symbol instance to create a second body for the bird.
  2. Keyframe Body Movement: Create keyframes for the body positions at different points in the flight path. Position the body higher in the beginning keyframe and lower in the end keyframe to simulate the bird’s up and down movements during flight.
  3. Add Motion Tween: Select both body keyframes and click on the “Create Classic Motion Tween” button in the Timeline panel. This will create a motion tween between the keyframes, animating the body along a straight path.
  4. Adjust Keyframes and Timing: Fine-tune the positions of the body keyframes to refine the bird’s movement in flight. Experiment with different frame rates to control the speed of the motion.
  5. Animate Wings and Body Together: To synchronize the wing flapping with the body movement, adjust the start and end frames of the wing motion tween to match the body’s animation.

Additional Polish and Enhancements

  1. Add Rotation for a More Dynamic Flight: Add a slight rotational motion to the bird’s body to create a more dynamic and lifelike flight. Use the Rotate tool or the Transform panel to control the rotation.
  2. Add Layers and Background: Create additional layers for the background and other elements in the scene. This will help organize the animation and enhance the overall presentation.
  3. Apply Color Effects and Gradients: Use the Properties panel to add color effects, gradients, and other visual enhancements to the bird and its surroundings.
  4. Preview and Refine: Preview the animation regularly to ensure it’s flowing smoothly and achieving the desired effect. Make any necessary adjustments to the animation properties, timing, or artwork.

By following these steps and experimenting with different techniques and animation styles, you can create a variety of engaging and eye-catching animations of flying birds. Happy animating!



Benard Kemp (Coach and Multimedia Designer)

Passionate about igniting the flames of motivation and driving personal growth, my words aim to inspire and empower.