Creating Pixel Art in Adobe Illustrator


Creating Pixel Art in Adobe Illustrator
Creating Pixel Art in Adobe Illustrator

Pixel art is a digital art form that uses a limited number of colors and a grid-based approach to create images. It is often associated with classic video games and retro graphics. While Illustrator is primarily a vector graphics program, it can be used to create pixel art by using a variety of techniques.

Creating Pixel Art with the Live Paint Tool

The Live Paint Tool is a powerful tool for creating pixel art in Illustrator. The Live Paint Tool allows you to paint pixels directly on the artboard, as well as connect multiple shapes to create larger pixel art elements.

Steps to create pixel art using Live Paint Tool:

  1. Create a grid Use the Rectangular Grid Tool to create a grid of pixels on the artboard. You can adjust the number of rows and columns to get the desired size of your pixel art.
  2. Convert the grid to Live Paint Select the grid and choose Live Paint Bucket from the toolbar. This will convert the grid to a Live Paint object.
  3. Paint pixels Select the Live Paint Bucket and choose a color from the Swatches panel. Click on the grid to paint pixels. You can also use the Live Paint Brush to paint with different colors.
  4. Connect shapes If you need to connect two or more shapes, you can use the Live Paint Tools to connect them. Simply click on the intersection of the shapes and select the Connect option from the toolbar.

Creating Pixel Art with the Image Trace Tool

The Image Trace Tool can be used to convert raster images to vector graphics. This can be useful for creating pixel art from existing images.

Steps to create pixel art using Image Trace Tool:

  1. Import an image Import the raster image that you want to convert to pixel art. You can use the File > Place command to import an image from your computer.
  2. Select the Image Trace Tool Select the Image Trace Tool from the toolbar. This will activate the Image Trace panel.
  3. Set the Image Trace options Adjust the options in the Image Trace panel to control the quality of the conversion. You can adjust the number of colors, the threshold, and the minimum area.
  4. Convert to vector art Click the Expand button in the Image Trace panel. This will convert the raster image to vector art.
  5. Refine the pixel art You may need to refine the pixel art manually to remove any artifacts or imperfections. You can use the Selection Tool, the Live Paint Tool, and the Pencil Tool to clean up the art.

Tips for Creating Pixel Art in Illustrator

  • Use a limited color palette. Pixel art typically uses a limited number of colors, so it’s important to choose a palette that works well with your image.
  • Use sharp edges. Pixel art is characterized by its sharp edges and clean lines. Avoid using blurry or soft edges.
  • Pay attention to detail. Pixel art is all about detail, so take your time to create each pixel carefully.
  • Use reference images. If you’re creating pixel art from an existing image, use a reference image to help you maintain accuracy.
  • Experiment with different techniques. There are many different ways to create pixel art in Illustrator. Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you.

With a little practice, you can create stunning pixel art in Illustrator. Pixel art is a fun and creative way to add a retro touch to your designs.



Benard Kemp (Coach and Multimedia Designer)

Passionate about igniting the flames of motivation and driving personal growth, my words aim to inspire and empower.